Mastering Time Management. Would you like to add anything more ? #timemanagement #cheatsheet #techniques #mindset #tuesdaythoghts #india #bharat #tuesdaymorning
Which one of these are from Indian Philosophy… please name 1
It's great to see your insightful and reflective post, Your thoughtful perspective is truly valuable.
Unpopular opinion, because it may challenge what most people believe: Time management is a wrong concept in my opinion. One can manage work but not time. Management of anything can only be done when you have control on that thing, and no one can control time. Clock will keep ticking whether one works or not. Clock doesn’t care. The only thing that can be controlled is work. Right concept should be better work management because one can’t control and master time.
Harish Trivedi One more can be added which is SMART. We can set goals based on Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.
Harish Trivedi Would like to add most important thing Focus and Consistency, if some one have focussed approach and maintains consistency in approach success is bound to come. Thsnks for sharing above insights about time management.
Good, Harish Trivedi. Could have added Stephen R. Covey's famous 4-quadrant Time Management Matrix as well. (I'm a Corporate trainer and author of 13 English books, half of which are international bestsellers)
It's better to acknowledge the original post by Victoria Repa
What an excellent time management tool! I have been using Eat That Frog, 2-Minute Rule, Task Batching Technique. Thanks for sharing!
Vice President HRBP Randstad Enterprise
1yHarish Trivedi adding one more: The Burnt Toast Theory “Burnt toast theory is the idea that if you burn your toast before work and it adds 5 to 10 minutes to your trip, it's actually saving you from something catastrophic."