Everyone, I'm gonna be showing you how you can build your first AI agent without needing to know how to code. This one's particularly for Creative Strategist. So anyone that's creating Facebook ads, and I'm going to show you the exact process. What this is going to do is analyze your brand's Facebook ad account and two of your competitors to give you an e-mail like this. This could also be a Slack message or within a Google Drive doc, whatever you want. And So what this is going to do is give you the analysis of what are these brands testing that we are not. Uh, what patterns do you see across our competitors ads? And then also based on the combined analysis, here are some potential opportunities for our company. So this workflow in particular is scheduled to run every week. So you can upload the add accounts that you are looking for and you can just get that analysis done. So I'm gonna dive in. I already created this. I'm just going to walk through this step by step so you can pause the video, come back and reference it, but I'm going to show you. Exactly kind of how this works and how you can build something like this. So the first thing that you're going to do is you're going to add an input. You just come over here and do input, and that's going to be able to add in a document like this. Now you can do input if you want this to be internal. If you want this to be external, meaning like you could just share a link. There's this button up here that allows you to add an interface. My interface is already here. So if I wanted to edit this, I could come here. You're just going to add the text field as that is what is allowed for the URL and justice. You can label them simply just by typing in what the different URL should be. So that is step number one. You need an input for any of these. Again, if you just come over here, you're gonna add an input node. This works, or you can have an interface as well. Input name if you wanted to go this route would just be like. You know, brand URL, you could add it another one that would be a competitor URL, whatever it is, and then you just paste the link right there. But assuming that you went with the interface route, you can label these. It's gonna come up and you're gonna be able to see here three different outputs. So outputs is what this node is going to give you. Inputs are what goes into each of these different nodes right here. So the first thing that we're going to do just for simplicity so you don't have to go on Facebook. You find that the URL, I'm telling you just the URL. But in reality, what we're looking for is the Facebook ad account for each of these companies. So the first flow of these is going to be getting the URLs on the website. Most brands are going to have their Facebook icon somewhere on their website. So this node, this web agent scraper. So if you come over here, type in web agent scraper, yeah, you're going to be able to click on that. And you're going to add it right here. Now for the action type, you just want to make sure it's get all URLs. So then that's just gonna essentially be able to pull all the URLs from their website. And then you're gonna go here to scraped URL and add it to an extract data. So if we go over here, you can just type in extract data, click on this, add it over to our node or to our workflow, and you're going to put it. Right there. Obviously, I already have mine, so I'm just going to walk through what I do. So you're going to add a data source. It's going to look something like this. You can name it, link to Facebook URL. It's going to be a text. Data point and then it's just that it's quick description of the URL that you are finding and then you can tell it. I need you to reply with only the link to the Facebook account. Do not confirm or send anything else. Only reply with the exact Facebook URL. The reason why is because that link is what is going to be going to find our Facebook ad library scraper. Now in this case, I have two Facebook ad library scrapers. So if you come over here, go to Facebook. You can just click and add this node right here. But So what what the difference is between these two? They're coming both from my brands URL and the difference is is the media type. So for one of them have videos and the other ones images and memes. The labeling of this isn't great. So memes are really any static ad that has text. So a majority of them will be that. I just did both out of simplicity. I tried doing just images in an error kept popping up. So I think memes is actually more of like what your classic stat is, not what a normal meme is. Just just know that for context here, this is really important. The Max number of ads. I'm just doing 10 for now. You could do 50, it's just gonna take up a lot more credits. I think 5 or 10 is probably a pretty good starting point unless you're wanting an account that runs hundreds of ads a month and then add information. Make sure that you select Add media URL. So that is what is going to give us the URL. To then go down here and we are going to do analyze video and analyze image. So you can come over here and you can go analyze video and analyze image or the two. So video obviously for the video ads, image for the image ads. So in this case, it's going to analyze the video ads via a link. So that's where it's going to come. You want to turn on this use link button right here. That's very, very important. Now for the prompt, you can have this be whatever you want. Really what I'm just saying is, hey, first extract the entire script from this ad. Write it exactly as it was said in the video. If there are no spoken words, make sure to state that and then break down in extreme visual detail what is happening within the video ad. You should describe it as if you were explaining the ad to someone who could not actually watch it. That's typically what I do. Gemini 2. 0 Flash is the only model that can watch video, so that's the one that you are going to choose. Now over on the image. I kept this one pretty simple. I just said I need you to analyze this static ad. Describe exactly what the ad looks like. An extreme visual detail must include any copy on the screen. And the design elements now in a future flow, what I might actually end up doing is giving it more context. So going to a YouTube account like Alex Goff Coopers or Dare Denny's and finding 10 or 15 different types of static ads. So it could start to categorize them as well. But in this case, for simplicity did not do that. Now since both of these are analyzing individual videos and individual images at the same time, you want to do a combined list. So it's going to throw both of those analysis. Together so again if you come over here and click on combine lists it's going to you're going to click on this add it here input one input 2 make it very very simple and now I'm going to combine so this is just going to combine the list into two but now I want to combine that list into text so I am going to come here and you just connect it like that and now all of those analysis are together so again just. The reference combined list, combine join list items. And now then you're going to go over here, add in another Ask AI, and this one is going to be more of just where the prompt is very, very important. So in this case, what I wanted it to do because this is the breakdown of those ads. So now I wanted to find patterns of the ads along with our top five specific audience segments or angles that we're focusing on. Get specific on the target audience. Look at their pain points, the barriers that they would face abide the deep psychological dilemma that they're facing that our product would solve, all that stuff. And then I want them to give an analysis or audit of the creative strategy, what style of video creatives are using, strength, weakness, opportunities, all that good stuff. And I also went through and added in some of the top I went to, found a YouTube video, took out a lot of like the, it was like something along the lines of top video ads that are performing in 2025 and pasted that within here. So it could have some context of what a good video ad is. If you want the prompt too I'm fine with giving it away, but just DM me or something. Same thing I'm using Gemini 2.0 flash. The reason I'm using Gemini 2.0 flash for this is it has the biggest context window. I think it's context window is 2,000,000 tokens versus like open AI or cloud is only like 200,000. What that means is the amount of information that it can take. So if you're analyzing all these video ads, you're getting that long analysis Claud and chat sheet might not be able to take in all of that text. Probably would but I'd like to just go with Gemini as it. You get is able to see all of that detail or all of that information in more detail. So that is what it does for one of the brands. Now the great part about this is you really only have to create it once and then you can just duplicate everything over. There's really no difference to any of these different sub flows. The only difference is the only difference is. Sorry about that. The only difference is it's going to be your competitor, which again is it's finding that up here. So literally you can come here and hit duplicate for all of these nodes that you have as a part of this workflow, even the Facebook ones, and then you can just keep doing that. You're going to see these error Shields. I was having some problems with the Facebook node. It was like pulling in videos or. Images when it's supposed to be pulling your videos so. I just added those. However, again, this is the exact same. There's nothing different about these than there are these. And so finally, after we have those three Ask AI nodes, that's going to come down to a combined text. So you're going to come here, hit combine text, select this node right here, add it in to this, and now you're just going to label these different inputs. So analysis of our add account, analysis of our competitors add account. Analysis of our competitors out account number 2. You're going to take all of that into this context for another ask AI. And now this is the prompt that I'm telling it. You're seeing the analysis of our account and two of our competitors this. So I need to give you what are these brands testing that we're not? What messaging or hooks or concepts are they using? What patterns do you see across our competitors ads? Think about this from a level where most humans would miss what opportunities exist. So this will be sent via e-mail. So I'm telling it like a void markdown. And all that. And then again, I also said this is more general information for you to know. These are some ad styles that we just so it can be a familiar with what common creative strategy language is. So that is essentially everything for the hard part. Now you can just come over here Gmail sender, you can type in your e-mail. And add any subject that you want, make sure if you wanted to actually send the e-mail, you don't just hit save as draft, but you toggle that to no. And that is going to give you the analysis that is gonna look just like this. Hopefully that was helpful. I know this is probably a lot of information I kind of went through fast, but it still ended up being a 12 minute long video. If it was helpful, great. If you want the prompts, again, DM here, just reach out to me or whatever and I'd be happy to share those. But yeah, that's kind of the overview of how this works. Hopefully was helpful, happy building and let's keep doing cool stuff.
Wow, great workflow Jimmy Slagle! Totally going to watch this again. I'm surprised you don't post these videos on Youtube as well. Regardless glad they are here on LinkedIn!
Learn the secret psychology behind the best marketing | I help marketers and founders use psychology to create more persuasive ads | Click the button below to join my newsletter: Psychology of Ads
Very dope stuff Jimmy Slagle! Does Gumloop support API's?
Would be interesting to build this out in my Next JS app for those who don't want to go through this setup themselves.
Founder @ Cometly.com | Tracking revenue back to the correct sources | Over 1.5B tracked ad data points | Ex-Agency founder @ Social Vantage (Acq 2019)
I Build Funnels for Digital Creators and Capital Raisers | Partner at GowerCrowd.com | Marketing Maverick & Architect | 10+ Years as a Marketing Executive
Hi! Can this tool be used to analyze competitors' Youtube videos?
For example, if I want to analyze the top 10 most popular videos on my competitors' YouTube channels?
📌 Consulente AI | Strategia di Digital Marketing | Formatore Aziendale in Intelligenza Artificiale | Visita il mio sito Web!
3wJust yesterday on your Tik Tok profile I saw a video of yours on AI agents, my current field of interest! Well done!