All good things (and the bad ones--see screen capture below) come to an end. As I resigned from AWS today, many things are on my mind... no, serverless isn't dead (neither are zombies--had to squeeze in one bad joke) and I didn't count my "Day1"s. I also didn't compile a proper list of endpoints for my gratitude pub-sub channel, so broadcast it is. I always had a weakness for UDP, anyhow. I will stay true to my interests in #CloudAutomation, #ArchitectureAsCode, yes, #Serverless (can't miss all the exciting debates), #PlatformEngineering, and #CarMetaphors. I have a lot to write and update on Enterprise Integration Patterns (.com) and look forward to hanging out with many folks at upcoming events (API Days, Devoxx, NDC, STACK, QCon). There will be some rough spots as well, like maintaining my Titanium hotel status and concurrent Gold Status on 3 airlines. Life's rough. I implore my former colleagues to remain frugal and work hard as I have been holding my RSUs 🤞 Special thanks to Adrian Cockcroft whose footsteps I oddly followed in both directions and Philip Potloff who's been my most awesome first manager. I don't think I was ever so excited to meet my boss in person after some 1.5 years of lockdown (I spent a week in quarantine for the privilege!). The Enterprise Strategy team under Ishit Vachhrajani is nothing short of amazing, and I will miss my chats with Malcolm Featonby, Nik Pinski, Jeff Oriecuia, Dan Ronald, Michael Gasch, Rishi Baldawa, Sindhu Pillai, Banjot Chanana, Emily Shea and many others! To all I missed, here's a heartfelt cccccclkhjncdfkliulrvbcknbvicfluirgrgbcjhnv!
Thanks so much Gregor for all our interesting discussion around Serverless, Enterprise Integration Patterns, IaaC / AAaC and most recently Platform Strategy, but also for your mentoring and coaching. I'm deeply grateful for this opportunity and wish you the very best for your next adventures 🙏
Best of luck, Gregor. But we'll see each other in Warsaw and Manchster I think. I would like to have Platform Strategy book signed by you :)
cccccclkhjncdfkliulrvbcknbvicfluirgrgbcjhnv Gregor Hohpe! 🤧 Welcome to the Amazing Amazonian Alumni A-Team! 🤓Life continues to exist beyond AMZN and I am sure you will be inspiring us all going forward. The old picture of one of the first cars and the guy walking in front of it waving the flag 🚩🚗is forever burned into my brain to symbolize the people, processes and tech. So long and thanks for the fish! 🐠
Don't sweat the hotel status, the new status symbol is not having one. good luck with the rest!
Amazing work, thanks Gregor for you support with customers. One of the best #CarMetaphores for me was: why cars have breaks? To go fast! You’ll will be missed. Best of luck on your new endevours.
Good luck with your future endeavors Gregor Hohpe . Hope you will now get more time in UAE and we can spend more time discussing shisha 😎.
How can AWS let you go? Are you not AI enough? Keep up your amazing work. Really inspiring!
Hope you continue coming once in a while to Dubai. Appreciated the times you came by. Keep in touch
Oh no :( that's bad news. Whatever you will do next, I wish you all the best!
Retired from big tech. Not retired from riding the Architect Elevator to make IT and architecture a better place. Have opinions on EA, platforms, integration, cloud, serverless.
7moAnd I forgot to screen shot my uninstall of #chime! Oh, will I not miss that one :-o