Gil Friend’s Post

View profile for Gil Friend

Sustainability OG • Strategic ADVISOR / Board DIRECTOR / Ontological COACH • Helping World-Changers Change Worlds • 👉🏻Ask "Me" Anything 24/7 at or text/call +1-254-739-6394

I suspect the insurance industry won't be very happy with this #EnforcedBlindness

View profile for Jonathan Gilmour

Fighting for our data | Data Scientist @ Harvard School of Public Health | Aspen Institute Fellow | Climate, Public Health, and Environmental Impact of AI and Data Centers

Another critical tool taken down by the Trump administration but preserved for the American people: FEMA’s Future Risk Index. This tool shows how much climate change will cost American communities (actual dollar figures!)—no wonder the administration felt threatened by it. Click a county to see its risk rating and projected losses under different emissions scenarios. This tools shows us the near-term economic stakes of climate change and why emissions matter. Huge kudos to Jeremy Herzog and Rajan Desai at Fulton Ring for rebuilding it! #climate #risk #data #fema #insurance

  • Screenshot of the NRI Future Risk Tool reproduced by Fulton Ring
Jessie Lydia Henshaw

Growing to Harmony -OR- Growing to Tragedy ... A choice to make …


Gil Friend Jonathan Gilmour - the joke’s on us. Studies of why climate change kept accelerating as big efforts to slow it were in progress around the world show that those efforts backfired, accelerating CO2 accumulation and climate change. Why? Well everyone in every supply chain was maximizing profit and the growth of the economy. Sustainability projects just didn’t (weren’t asked to), as the rule makers didn’t know. Try, try, again. Might we get it right next time?

John Wind

Decarbonizing Processes in the Chemical Process Industries


Ignorance is bliss

Joan Michelson, MBA,

Electric Ladies Podcast, ESG Consultant, Partnerships, Career Advisor, Speaker - Social Impact, Women-Diversity, Energy, Climate, Sustainability


Who can repost it on a private platform?


Isn't the US Government the insurer of last resort? I wonder how all the coastal properties can be mortgaged without insurance. CAn any smart person tell me ho to fudge this?

Steve Brant

Founder and Director at the Route 66 Spirit of America Museum


They want us to not just be frightened, but also ignorant. They want us to have no power… No ability to resist. Huge respect to those who are re-creating the information we need to plan our futures based on knowledge and wisdom not fear and ignorance.

Dr. Karsten Machholz

AI-augmented Professor/advisory board member/ CEO - De-carbonizing Supply Chains & fighting climate change/ ex-CGEY/ (personal views)

Franziska Raedeker

Sustainability Strategist


Thanks for sharing. Obviously, "better" real estate valuations for DT's Florida holdings - no sea level rise visible... 🙈

Gil Friend – thanks for sharing. Another action of the #ostrich_caucus

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