You know what I love? When I do an insurance appeal for a client and we win! It's so satisfying to get a BCBS denial overturned. Of course, what we all really need is for the health insurers to do what's right in the first place and cover medically necessary services that members are entitled to. I'd also like to see legislation where the health insurer has to pay my fee. Why should my clients have to pay me in order to get what they are rightfully due! #patientadvocacy #insuranceappeals InTune Health Advocates LLC
Awesome!!! Yes, I wholly support this::: "I'd also like to see legislation where the health insurer has to pay my fee."
Wouldn't that be amazing! Having to take finanical responsibility!
Best feeling ever
RN turned Independent Patient Advocate; Entrepreneur, Thought-leader, Podcaster, and Speaker. My passion is empowering individuals to have a better, safer, healthcare experience.
1moOh now THERE'S an idea!! I often hear talk of getting our services covered by insurance, and while I can certainly see the benefits, I have concerns that it would undermine our ability to do our best work; I believe there is so much power in a self-pay service. But this concept of holding insurers financially accountable for the hoops they created for patients is genius! Now, how to actually make that happen 🤔