Prof. Dr. Florian Turk’s Post

View profile for Prof. Dr. Florian Turk

founder | advisor | speaker | GreenTech | HealthTech | Pharma

TOGETHER WE MAKE SOCIETY The sum of each of your votes, product and tech choices, POCs, pilots and applications, collective experiences created with > 50 industry partners so far, each insight, advise and support offered by all of our partners and all of you in the ecosystems we are having the opportunity to be part of - jointly we are making society. We are making a leap, we are taking an idea that seems abstract – a green and just industrial revolution – and turn it into a reality for all the world’s people: turning waste to value, redefining the refinery of the future, rethinking the carbon economy, unleashing the production of secondary raw materials at scale - by keeping all molecules in play with AI-powered microwave-assisted molecular recycling and conversion. Please support us with your vote. Let's further accelerate pace and scale in solving one of the world’s biggest challenges through innovative breakthroughs and radical collaboration! #chemicalrecycling #sustainability #climatechange #circulareconomy Futury Toyota Open Labs BMW Startup Garage Plug and Play Tech Center DeepTech Alliance Circular Valley THE MISSION

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Der verantwortungsvolle Umgang mit Abfällen ist eine große Herausforderung in der sozial-ökologischen Transformation. Microwave Solutions GmbH möchte mit einer #KI-gestützten Technologie das Recycling und die Umwandlung von Materialien auf molekularer Ebene revolutionieren. Durch den Einsatz von Mikrowellenenergie werden Abfälle wie Kunststoff, Gummi, Biomasse, Flüssigkeiten sowie Gase effizient in wertvolle Rohstoffe umgewandelt. Microwave Solutions trägt zum #Gemeinwohl bei, indem es das Recycling ♻️ vereinfacht und den nachhaltigen Umgang mit Ressourcen fördert. In zwei Tagen ist es endlich soweit: Das Finale des Public Value Awards for Start-ups steht an! 🎉 Entscheide, welche Gemeinwohlunternehmer*innen dich am meisten überzeugen, und gib auf unserer Website deine Stimme für den Publikumspreis ab. 🗳️ HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management EY ZEISS Group Stadt Leipzig Leipziger Messe LF Gruppe CMS Grant Thornton Germany SpinLab - The HHL Accelerator Forum Gemeinwohl e.V.

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Raphael Ng

Bringing Human Development & the Capabilities framework to Social Impact for Social enterprises


Congratulations on winning the first runner up! I wish you the best in unfolding the potential of this technology.

Thorsten Eger (PhD)

CPO, Global HR leader | Startup adviser & HR-Tech investor | Team Effectiveness enthusiast | Partner@KennedyFitch | Adjunct Faculty | DE&I ambassador


Love it and get a beautiful blue T-Shirt for yourself too 💪

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