What are certain values that have treated you well in your life? That still continues to this day. And what what are certain values that like you have to shave off because they stop shooting you? So one of them is that point around gratitude and being. Grounded as a result of the gratitude so again every day starting off no matter how tired I am or how rushed I am or how an early in the meeting I have. Just making sure my day starts with, you know, to fill in and praying and just recognizing all the good things I have and just being thankful for. It really empowers me to just go through the day and just tackle anything, to be totally honest and just go, go, go. One of the other things is, you know, if there's a value, but just like family orientation. I've been doing this 11 years. I ran into a friend from another VC fund on the street the other day. He was actually talking to Jess. And he was telling you about this sabbatical program that they offer at their firm for a few months when you hit 10 years. And I was like, it sounds cool. And he was super refreshed, but. I don't need or want that. And he's like, how? It's been 11 years and I was like, I just don't feel burnt out. And he was like, how? And as I thought about it. Every week because I'm Sabbath observant from Friday night to Saturday night. Dedicated family time. I cannot do an e-mail. And by the way, I've had deals, especially in our early days where I was chasing and Sundowns approaching. I'm about to go, you know, pencils down, phone off. And I've told that to founders. They've actually, by the way, respected that. And then I would call him Saturday night as Savage is done. But having that day every week, it creates structure in my life where no matter how hard a week is, I'm always going to have that time with my family, that time to recharge. And instead of waiting 10 years for it, you know, get it every single week. Other day.
Empowering Startups & founders | Host: Founder Storiez
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