The Age-Friendly Network NI (AFNNI) online meeting attended by representatives from PHA, Age Sector Networks, Age NI, Councils’ Age Friendly leads, Department for Communities, and the Commissioner for Older People NI’s Office (COPNI). Updates were provided on strategic planning, action plans and research related to promoting and advancing age friendly communities across N.Ireland. Everyone welcomed Anthony O’Neill, the DfC new policy lead for the Active Ageing Strategy and Conor Tinnelly, who is new to the COPNI Policy Advice and Research Unit; Conor is supporting research into the need, impact, and best practice across the Age Sector Networks. AFNNI Members received partner updates on key Action Plan priorities, including Transport, Communications, Resourcing of the Age Sector Networks, and Age Friendly Housing. The AFNNI Action Plan for 2024-2026 was unanimously approved. The Frailty Network NI will be the guest speaker at the next meeting on 10th December in Omagh. A reminder for groups and organisations - if you are sharing any positive ageing activities throughout the Positive Ageing Month in October, you can use the following hashtags: #PAM24 #AgefriendlyNI. #Ageingwell #changehowweage #strategicplanning #wellness #leadership Liam Hinphey Jenny Marshall
AFNNI online meeting on Age Friendly NI
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ASMIRT supports the United Nations International Day of Older Persons. As life expectancy rises globally, the need for comprehensive healthcare, care, and social support services is more important than ever. By 2030, older persons will outnumber youth worldwide. Let's focus on strengthening healthcare and support systems to ensure everyone can age with dignity. 👉 Read more on “The Importance of Strengthening Care and Support Systems for Older Persons Worldwide:
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