Enjoyed catching up with a group of Sunrunners from roughly the 2009 - 2013 era of Sunrun. Great people and we accomplished so much while having fun and enjoying the grind. I loved reconnecting with the crew. I'll tag a few: Sydney Larson, Lesley Beatty, Yung Chen, Allana Helland, Cari Jacobs-Crovetto, Anne Vaittinen and many other great folks! And we talked about a bunch of you who were not there: Ori Franco, Kara Furlong, Holly Gordon, Gary Wayne, Tom Harvey, Deb Morgan, Tom Asher...
Aww yay, so awesome! Sorry I couldn't make it out last night - good to see your faces :)
Wish I could have made it and seeing this amazing crew brings back so many memories ❤️ For the love of the sun ☀️
Seems like yesterday. So happy so many are still getting together. For the love of the sun ☀️!
The good old days and the best bunch to work with! So happy to see all of your smiling faces!
So wonderful to see these folks! Always fills my cup to see your all’s faces, do a little reminiscing, and hear what new adventures everyone has embarked on. Until next year!
For the Love of the Sun!! Happy 2025 to all.
Sorry to have missed ☀️
Love seeing these faces!
Climate advocate & clean energy executive | Board member | Certified mindfulness teacher & coach
2moLove seeing all of your smiling faces. Bummed that the flu took me down for the count this week. For the love of the sun!