I am thrilled to be taking over the leadership of Salta Capital. The position marks a long journey with David Tarascio that goes beyond the last 4 four years working alongside him on the current portfolio. Dave has been the founder/CEO of Salta Capital and forged the path for the very successful Salta Properties business to begin diversifying into other asset classes. The work he has done, almost singlehandedly, to ideate and forge this has been extraordinary. Jointly, we remain very focused on the transitionary work required and our ongoing alignment on broader investment philosophies. In the short term, I will be focused on the management of the existing portfolio and strategic planning for the next chapter (noting that we will not be in deployment mode for the immediate future). I’m passionate about diversified investing and Family Office leadership. A huge thank you to Dave, Sam, the Tarascio family, and the wider Salta business, for the opportunity.
well done mate.
Bravo mate, exciting update. Next time in Melbourne, we're due a catch up :)
Congratulations Eddie Wilson I look forward to following the alternative investments with curiosity
Well done Eddie 👏
Congratulations Eddie!
Well done Eddie
Outstanding appointment. Ed is top shelf.
Congrats Eddie Wilson. Best of luck with this - I'm sure you will smash it as always.
CEO & Co-founder at GXE. VC at Cardinia Ventures. Previously, Co-founder at Omny Studio (acquired by Triton Digital)
6dCongrats on the new position. Well earned