WU-TIME DAILY DEVOTIONAL The #Awakening #Leaders' #Devotional Author: #Ebenezer O George Topic: #LEADINGFAITH! Wednesday || 24072024 #ANCHOR #SCRIPTURE: "Jesus gave in. “Oh, woman, your faith is something else. What you want is what you get!” Right then her daughter became well." (Matthew 15:28 MSG) #KEY #MEDITATION: Take care of the faith department of your life, and you would have taken care of your health department as God confirms your faith to perfect your health! Faith is: What you want is what you get! View your health as largely dependent on your attitude of faith! And this attitude of faith covers many areas of your life. Remember, faith comes by hearing and hearing over and over again the word of God, which talks about all that pertains to life and Godliness. Constantly study and listen to it! What you hear becomes what you believe. That's faith! What you believe becomes what you think about; and what you think becomes what you action. Your daily actions also become your attitude, which will determine what you do to either keep your health alive or attract ill-health to yourself! Attitudes are formed from what we consistently allow to play out in our lives. Give the devil no chance! He also sows evil seeds into people's lives and make them nurse afflictions as if it is their default mode. Sickness is not in God's plan for you! It is the oppression of the devil! See! If people can recover from illness through their sheer willpower and human energy, you can recover much more quickly by your faith in the word of God. *Good health is a faith thing and is one of your redemptive rights to enjoy!* "Count on it:..But for you, sunrise! The sun of righteousness will dawn on those who honor my name, healing radiating from its wings. You will be bursting with energy, like colts frisky and frolicking... God-of-the-Angel-Armies says so." (Mal. 4:1-3 MSG) This is your day of healing! Do not be afraid to apply the word of faith to your health! Count on the principles and the promises of the Holy Scripture for your sound health! Living by its principles is what we call 'the faith', and that is what makes all the organs of your body wholesome. Your faith in the work of redemption that Jesus Christ accomplished in His final Ascension into heaven makes you tap into the reservoir of supernatural energy, which you should start living in the consciousness of. #ariseworldswealthiestfromafrica [email protected]; www.ebggo.org #DECLARATION: My Father And My God, You Are My Great Physician! I lift up my voice and sing Your praises! Oh! Abba Father! The Sun of righteousness bursts forth on me from today. I have obtained mercy to EMERGE! I must shine forth like the sun in the Kingdom of My Father-God! Supernatural health must radiate all over the organs of my body to flush out every sickness and disease from me. My faith for divine health for me and my family comes alive again! Now! We are healed! We are made whole! In Jesus Most Holy Name!
Ebenezer O George: The Power of Faith
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WU-TIME DAILY DEVOTIONAL The #Awakening #Leaders' #Devotional Author: #Ebenezer O George Topic: #LEADINGFAITH! Friday || 19072024 #ANCHOR #SCRIPTURE: "Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes." (Matthew 6:34 MSG) #KEY #MEDITATION: God takes pride in your total well-being! His best for your life is still in process! But when we get too concerned about many of our expectations that are in process, we cross from mere concerns to anxieties and worries. Dominate it! Anxieties and worries blindfold you to the best of God that is coming your way! It is not anti-faith to think creatively about your tomorrow. However, it is not of the Bible faith that all you do towards your future is to fuss only about all forms of obstacles, troubles, and difficulties of this world! That is worry! Why do you fight everyone around in order for you to keep on top of too many matters? You are afraid of losing control of your finances in your latter years. You relate with the people around you with gross fear of betrayals. You're so anxious that you force everything to be done on your terms. That's the real picture of worry and anxiety disorder for you! It's not helpful or healthy for you. It is breaking your health down. It is also counter-productive for you. Instead of doing that, just slowly, steadily and surely keep doing whatever you have to do without pressing any form of panic button about the future. In getting us to relax and enjoy where we are as we transit into our glorious future, look at the simple antidote of faith which the Author and the Finisher of our faith (Jesus Christ) gives us to overcome worries and anxieties! Deliberately, calmly, and with joy, place yourself in the center of kingdom business and endeavours. God is the one in charge of that and not you or any human being! He will reward you bountifully! For He says: "...People who don’t know God and the way he works fuss over these things, but you know both God and how he works. Steep your life in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions. Don’t worry about missing out. You’ll find all your everyday human concerns will be met." (Mat. 6: 33 MSG). Do away with worries and anxieties! As you keep your faith alive and keep working, you will soon find all your everyday human concerns fully met! #ariseworldswealthiestfromafrica [email protected]; www.ebggo.org #PRAYER: My Father And My God, You Are The Shadow Of A Great Rock In My Weary Land! I sing of the wonders of Your Word. Father! I quench all the fires of worry and anxiety burning in any departments of my life. I cast all my burdens upon You, Lord. Oh Lord! Take care of me and give me peace. Take care of my family and my endeavours. I have obtained mercy to EMERGE! In Jesus Wonderful Name!
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WU-TIME DAILY DEVOTIONAL The #Awakening #Leaders' #Devotional Author: #Ebenezer O George Topic: #POWEREDWEALTH! Saturday || 25042024 #ANCHOR #SCRIPTURE: "Like a city that is broken down and without walls [leaving it unprotected] Is a man who has no self-control over his spirit [and sets himself up for trouble]." (Proverbs 25:28 Amp) #KEY #MEDITATION: Even though a lot of things are happening and you are now afraid, glory still awaits you! Don't allow your fear to move you into hysteria. Hysteria is the sad resignation to defeat and death. A lot of people have died through that. Exert control over your heart and your life. If you don't have control over your spirit, your life is at risk, and you will be like a broken wall that is not protected! Stop bemoaning your regrets or celebrating your wishes without actions. Grab the steering wheel of your destiny and steer your life in the way it's supposed to go. Do not be a passenger in your life at the mercy of the roller-coaster of your emotions. Control your emotions! Don't let it determine the route your life takes. God is thinking fine of you, and glory is your expected end. Let God's thoughts of peace and not of evil be the map you follow to your expected end! Don't be an expert in getting too overwhelmed about what another person (your spouse inclusive) does, thinks, or feels to drown yourself in depression. Control your spirit through the comforting power of God's word to minimize the effects of the pain of disappointment and misdirection that you suffer from other people. Well, what do you think will happen? Now, see! Thoughts that don't help you act in accordance with the divine purpose you have received from God will be removed from your mind. Maintain your joy unspeakable, full of glory! Is it that some people don't want you to be part of their lives anymore? Don't let it bother or embitter you. Let Christ be your foremost friend who sticks closer to you than a brother! (Pro. 18:24) The truth is that you can't be weighted down with negative emotions and soar into the heights of one glory to a greater glory! Please control your spirit! #ariseworldswealthiestfromafrica #PRAYER: My Father And My God, You Are The Spirit Of Christ Who Is Full Of Glory And Truth. Today, my praise rises up to You! I have obtained mercy to EMERGE! Father, help my faith and hope to be strongly established in You at all times. Purify my soul by Your Spirit in obeying the truth of Your word more than I obey my emotions. I am a vessel of mercy prepared to show forth Your glory. In Jesus Wonderful Name!
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Leadership is not at all easy! Yes, y’all heard me right. The long nights, impossible decisions, and unexpected failures can push you to the edge, leaving you wondering if you’re truly equipped for the journey. But the truth of the matter is: "Your strength doesn’t come from within it comes from above." Faith-driven leaders know that resilience is more than enduring tough times. It’s about thriving through them, guided by faith, grace, and purpose. Here’s how you can cultivate resilience rooted in faith: Building Inner Strength → Anchor Yourself in Truth: Let God’s word be your foundation. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13) isn’t just a promise—it’s your lifeline. → Reflect With God: Through journaling and prayer, find clarity in your trials and listen for His guidance. → Find Purpose in Pain: Challenges aren’t punishments—they’re preparation for your calling. Leaning on External Support → Surround Yourself With Believers: A supportive faith community can lift you in prayer, wisdom, and encouragement when you feel weighed down. → Witness God’s Creation: Nature reveals God’s design of resilience—how seasons change, yet His purpose remains constant. → Worship Regularly: Worship reconnects you with God’s eternal plan, reminding you of His unchanging love and promises. Practical Ways to Strengthen Your Faith → Start Each Day With Prayer: Align your heart with God’s purpose before the day’s challenges begin. → Meditate on Scripture: Focus on verses that speak to resilience and trust, letting them renew your strength. → Find Moments of Stillness in Nature: Observe how creation persists—it’s a reminder that renewal is always possible. The Rewards of Spiritual Resilience → Deeper Faith: Trials become a testimony of God’s provision. → Unshakable Peace: Even in chaos, faith grounds you in calm. → Leadership That Inspires: When you rise with grace, you empower others to do the same. Resilience isn’t just surviving—it’s becoming stronger, wiser, and more aligned with your God-given purpose. What’s one way your faith has helped you overcome challenges? Let’s encourage each other in the comments. ♻Repost if you agree. Follow Chanan N. Frith, CPA, MBA (Coach T) to Redefine your Leadership Through Faith & Graceful Authority. #FaithDrivenLeadership #ResilienceThroughFaith #PurposefulGrowth
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WU-TIME DAILY DEVOTIONAL The #Awakening #Leaders' #Devotional Author: #Ebenezer O George Topic: #LEADINGFAITH! Wednesday || 03072024 #ANCHOR #SCRIPTURE: "Consider it nothing but joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you fall into various trials. Be assured that the testing of your faith [through experience] produces endurance [leading to spiritual maturity and inner peace]. And let endurance have its perfect result and do a thorough work, so that you may be perfect and completely developed [in your faith], lacking in nothing." (JAMES 1:2-4 AMP) #KEY #MEDITATION: Operating in faith is a manifestation of dominion. It is the evidence of things not seen. It is the celebration of a new future and a new reality. The faith I'm talking about is the result of the finished work of Christ. Therefore, stand on the power of the redeeming blood of Christ Jesus. *Do not lean on your own way and your own understanding! That can be counterproductive!* Go and ask from the agricultural field about the seasons of suffering that fruitful trees pass through before they eventually bring forth fruits. It costs something to produce quality fruits of any kind. If only trees could cry, you would have heard their loud cries. But nature does not cry! Stop crying! Wipe away your tears! It will cost you dearly to become the outstanding you that you aspire to soon become! Pain is the fuel of gain! The blood issues flowing from the wounds of the soul sustained from the distress of life like that of the woman with twelve years of issue of blood will also attend your ways! The struggle through the crowd to touch the healing virtue is also inevitable! You can't watch the blood flow from the wounds of the soul and sit down to watch it dry on its own! *You must stand up to fight through to victory, receiving the jibes and the jabs of the crowd on the way to activating what only God can eventually do!* The divinity that shapes our destiny is working in us and working on us! To become all that God wants you to be will require selflessness. Sacrificial living is the master key to a life of eternal significance. This world will kick you. It will stress you. There's no shortcut to fulfilling the original destiny that God has for you. The best cut is of a sacrificial living! You can't avoid it! You can only walk past the causes of the pain while you press for the gain! Let us move forward with a strong and active leading faith! There's a great gain coming your way today! #ariseworldswealthiestfromafrica [email protected]; www.ebggo.org PRAYER: My Father And My God, You Are The Owner Of All Yhings. I sing of Your goodness today! Father! Open the floodgates of heaven and cause Your rain to pour on me. Let it wash off every ugliness from me! I have obtained mercy to EMERGE! I dominate the forces that had captured my destiny! I proceed into the kind of fruitfulness that I can never experience on my own but only from God! In Jesus Mighty Name!
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We are here to help you become spiritually tough by grounding you in THE truth and power of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Check out this article explaining our mission:
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#MondayMusings - Forgive. Don't Forget! People make mistakes. That’s the nature of being human. Some wrongs are unintentional. Some deliberate. All cause damage. And hurt. Wounds so deep that many of them don’t heal..ever. Leaving permanent scars. Spiritual tradition teaches us to forgive. Not just the mistake but also the person. Irrespective of intention. From the Cross, Jesus taught us the ultimate lesson - “Father, forgive them for they do not know what they do.” Lord Krishna, through personal example and teachings from the Bhagavad Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam shows us that the path to Moksha (liberation) lies through the tortuous path of forgiveness. Forgiveness tends to be more valuable to the forgiver than the one forgiven. The minute I forgive, a huge burden comprised of anger, hurt, resentment, betrayal and injustice lifts from my psyche. The need to avenge, to exact revenge evaporates. I’m no longer the slave of the person(s) who has hurt, or continues to, hurt me. I’m free from his or her control. Forgiving is one thing, a very big thing no doubt. Forgetting is quite another. If we forget the hurt we lose a huge opportunity.. to grow. By forgiving we lose the trauma. By remembering we gain experience. We know what something feels like. That prevents us from inflicting pain on someone else. And, revisiting the experience we can understand what caused the pain. Was it love or possessiveness ? Was it insensitivity or hypersensitivity? Was the person selfish or self-centred while pretending to do his or her duty? Or, was it a misunderstanding caused by improper communication… and poor listening ? What are the learnings we can squeeze out of it? We can assimilate the learnings to become more rounded, more complete, better prepared and more evolved. All this, because we remembered, without malice, what and who hurt us so badly. We don’t need to embrace the person(s). We can cut them off..but keep the learning experience. We can prevent this from happening again. So that we can evolve into the next dimension of growth. Forgive. Don’t forget! Excerpt from my upcoming book #ThreeWordTruths
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Read the Negativity Fast Reflection – I Grow In The Fruit Of Spirit Read more 👉 https://lttr.ai/AXw0v #negativityfast #negativityfastreflections #FindGrowth #revtrev #Coaching #positivity #Revtrev #Positivity #SelfControl—AsGuidingPrinciples #EasilyRegularlyFrustrated #LiveLIGHT #coaching #Jesus #God #Bible
Negativity Fast Reflection – Day 14 – I Grow In The Fruit Of Spirit
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