A meeting of the minds thanks to Armin Scheuer.
Presenting the accumulated knowledge of #DigitalHealth Champions from around the globe! This book provides hospitals with tools, strategies, and insights to navigate their #transformation journey and make an impact where it matters most: today's patients and care teams. #HumanCentric The book is set to release in March 2025 and is now available for pre-order worldwide. #DigitalMaturity Many thanks to my co-editor, Jörg Studzinski and our editorial assistant Hazel Christine D'couto, and to the #WonderfulExperts we had the honor to work with on this project. 🙏 Tamara Sunbul, MD, MBA, FHIMSS, CPHIMS, PMP Dr. Gürhan Zincircioglu,MD, MSc, FHIMSS ilker Köse Dr John Gachago Stephan Krumm Jordi Piera Jiménez Gerard Carot-Sans, PhD Lorren Pettit Toni Laracuente RN, BSN, MHA, MS, CPHIMS, CPDHTS Angela Ahrendt Prof. Georgi Chaltikyan, MD, PhD Prof. Dr. med. habil. Peter Egbert Hermann Schwarz Janette Hughes Michelle Brogan Alexander Geissler Dr. Justus Vogel Lucas Deimel Rainer Thiel Maike Hentges Eduard Buzila Brigitte Seroussi Nathalie Baudiniere Rudy Chouvel Laurie Marrauld Jan-David Liebe Franziska Jahn Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Sylvia Thun Dr. Valerie Kirchberger Nina Haffer Osama Elhassan, Ph.D., FIHASI Dr. Mohammad Al Redha Fara Fernandes Antje Derksen Mikis Van Dijk CHIME Bundesverband Gesundheits-IT – bvitg e. V.