As an ‘in the closet’ gay teenager, I never imaged I’d be comfortable enough to talk openly about my sexuality. But when the GAY TIMES asked to interview me about the value pets bring to queer people’s Iives I knew it was time to step up and face my fears. I owe it to other kids who maybe haven’t come out, or who don’t have relevant role models in the business world they can relate to. In the interview, I shed light on what I believe is fuelling pet humanisation trends and why we’re spending more and more money and time on our beloved 4-legged pals! I also divulge what it was like to be a veterinarian on Dragons’ Den! Article link:
Wow fantastic interview. Well done.
Pets are the new kids, been saying it for years! I'm considering Dragons Den, so its great to hear about your experience 🥳 And well done you for feeling like you can be your true authentic self ☺️
Fantastic! When I was in my late teens many moons ago, I walked up and down past Gay’s the Word bookshop in London several times, before plucking up the courage to go in! 😀 Many years later I was lucky enough to write for the LGBTQ media, which can be a lifeline for many people, even in this day and age, so good on you! 🙌🌈
That's a great article and I totally agree with you. Whatever life throws at you, your dog will be by your side. In my case, she's called Ebo and I cannot imagine life without her. She's also our Head of Health and Wellbeing at MEERKATworks so she keeps us all busy with walks! Seen here smiling ...
Such an important and inspiring step! Representation matters so much, and by sharing your story, you’re helping others feel seen and understood, especially those who may not have role models in the business world. Excited to read the interview and hear your insights on both pet humanisation and your Dragons’ Den experience
Excellent interview and as you said if you can help inspire just one individual - job well done!
You’re role modelling for future generations of vets, vet nurses and pet healthcare professionals and entrepreneurs. Can’t wait to see what the next iteration for Omni looks like.
Thank you for sharing your very important story. #LGBTQ+
Recruiting with Integrity, Kindness, and Expertise in Pet & Animal Health. MD & Co-Founder of The Animal People Recruitment Company and Host of "Meet the Animal People" podcast.
3wAMAZING! Thank you and well done! 👏🏼 gay men in our industry are such huge role models to younger people. What you have done is huge and a nerve wracking thing to do, I still get nervous about opening up about my sexuality. I have trauma from the challenges that I have faced from others over the years. BUT every time I share I get an outpouring of love and support. I hope the same happens for you!