Maintaining a balanced relationship between #investors and #founders is crucial. #CheckOut this weeks latest post from #WBS's own John Romano. #entrepreneurs #WealthBuilding #financialliteracy
One of the most oxymoronic term I have come across is "Founder Friendly Investor", especially as applied to VCs and angel investors. One does no favor to the founder by founder friendly. Investor/Founder relationship by its very nature, is one of being an adversaries at the time of investment. They have to sit across the table and do an arm's length transaction, taking into account not only potential but also risks to come up with a valuation. A soft valuation does not stand the test of time, it sends a wrong signal to the founder and hurts the interests of investor. A high initial valuation sets up a high bar and makes subsequent investments hard to happen. They weaken the eco-system and make it harder to get venture returns on high risk investments. Incidentally, once the investment has been made, both founder and investor sit on the same side of the table to make the company work. Results are in for the heydays of founder-friendly VCs. They are not pretty. Investing in risky startups is a serious and hard business and it must produce superior returns to safer investments. Incidentally, most VCs do not produce any returns at all. Being a founder friendly VC is just being dumb.