Well that’s one way to get paid! I’ve been very fortunate to work with clients who understand the importance of paying freelancers on time, but not everyone is so lucky. This may be extreme, but sometimes when reminders and messages fall on deaf ears, you just have to ramp it up. Fair play to whoever did this (assuming it’s real!). How do you feel about naming and shaming non-payers? #freelance #payyourfreelancers #invoices #selfemployed
Yeah it is a bit extreme - I used to really chase people up like a demon when it did happen, thankfully this wasn’t often and they were usually just late paying. The poster thing is funny, but also if it was me I’d worry this person was going to top themselves after. (Sorry to be so depressing 😬).
See I'm more likely to take the passive aggressive route and just casually don stuff like this while sitting on video calls 😎
I did consider it with <name redacted> but they finally paid.me. Seriously, no. Not in a bloody big poster anyway.
Well that's one way to get someone to pay you!
Tea-drinking brand copywriter | Chief StoryGnat | Winner (mostly) of the daily battle against some pretty independently-minded hair
4moWow! What part of the world is this in?