In this month's Woolley Marketing in Mediaweek Australia, I discuss the quote, “It’s not AI that is going to take your job, but someone who knows how to use AI might”. These were the wise words of Richard Baldwin, professor of international economics at the IMD Business School. He made them over well a year ago, and in that time, the line has almost become the industry’s go-to AI cliché. Go to any AI or industry conference and count how often you hear it. My best is that at least three speakers will use the line (if not more). We need to understand both opportunity and threat and a clear warning to get moving. We must avoid what many media businesses did when the digital revolution arrived: attempt to fight against the changing tide. Instead, we must arm ourselves with the knowledge and skills to capitalise on the opportunities the AI revolution can give us on a professional, business, industry, and governmental/societal level. #Ai #artificialintelligence #ethics #ethicalstandards Thank you as always to Dennis Flad for his insightful cartoon to illustrate the dilemma, fake or real!
I guess we had similar ideas for a headline… 😅
Good article Darren. I would add to this “Do not wait for your employer to trial or implement AI in the workplace, get out there and use it for yourself” that people should raise their hand to be an AI leader in their workplace. Lean in. Raise your hand for the AI Working Group, or if there isn’t one, start one. Personal experimentation with AI is the gateway drug. It’s also fun (AI, not drugs)
Author, Work-Life, public speaker, NED, Equities Investor, Ex: 9-5 warrior, Digital Media, Feminist, A Tad Dyslexic (not heaps)
8moMaybe a softer naming convention like natural attrition? Maybe AI won’t replace lots of individuals jobs. Maybe. But it’s extraordinarily likely that many jobs won’t be replaced with a human and total head count will reduce. The outcome is pretty much the same in that there won’t be a job for many people in many categories. New jobs are being created but AI can do a lot of things a human can and each day it gets smarter. Interestingly there is a meme that AI will never replace human creativity. I suspect that AI will be remarkably creative and already is for some design.