AI-First: More Transformative Than You Might Think
The AI-First approach is setting the stage for the next wave of business transformation. Complex tasks and decision-making are increasingly "outsourced" to GenAI-powered autonomous agents. For some this provokes a resounding “finally!” And rightly so — this is the vision we’ve been striving for: AI taking over routine tasks, allowing us to focus on creative and fulfilling work.
That said, the multi-agent paradigm isn’t just an extension of back-office automation, as some might perceive. It’s far more profound and disruptive:
#1: CRM and ERP as We Know Them Are Losing Their Ground
The traditional business software model with its rigid forms, workflows, and rule-based processes — is fundamentally changing. In the AI-first, agents take over the tasks of data entry, integration, processing, and updates, reaching out to humans only for critical input. While the underlying business logic and IP remains valid, the execution looks completely different, - from process-driven interaction to proactive, autonomous data handling.
#2: Goodbye Graphic UI for Business Applications
User interfaces are on the chopping block. The AI-first approach favors multi-modal inputs — text, voice, and video — as primary methods of interaction. ChatGPT already demonstrate this shift: a simple input interface is all that’s needed to engage and direct the system. The endless screens, forms, and drop-downs of enterprise applications — painstakingly learned by employees over years — are becoming irrelevant. Simplicity in interaction is the new game.
#3: The Era of SQL Is Nearing Its End
After decades of use, SQL and RDMS are on borrowed time. Why? They are human-engineered constructs that don’t align with natural human ways of organizing information. They struggle with unstructured data and lack compatibility with AI-first path, which focus on similarity, relationships, and context-driven organization. We demand storage and retrieval methods that reflects how humans think and how AI processes — adaptive and interconnected rather than tabular.
Clearly, this isn’t a one-day transformation. The enormous landscape of SaaS solutions and the legacy infra around CRMs, ERPs, and SQL means there will be significant resistance — and understandably so. But pioneers of AI-first systems are already realizing the benefits, outperforming their traditional counterparts. It is happening, and it’s time for us to engage deeply with these changes, understanding not just the technology but our roles in this emerging AI-first world.
Yes, CRMs without UIs or SQLs are already here — and they are excelling! We need to have open, forward-thinking conversations about what’s next. What’s your role as a human in an AI-first world?
On December 6th, I’ll be hosting a bespoke interview with Priti Padhy from nexgAI, moderated by the Yulia Khomych. Together, we’ll unpack what the AI-first approach means for businesses and individuals alike.
Founder / CEO. Reailize, B-Yond, Yuvo, Audela. E&Y Entrepreneur of Year.
1moOne of the biggest resistance we get is unrealistic expectations of AI and how it works; a lot of education has to go with it