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Important Insights from the Latest EBA & ECB Payment Data Report. The joint report from the EBA and ECB highlights key findings on payment trends and fraud for H1 2022, H2 2022, and H1 2023. Here are the key takeaways: 🔍 Scope & Coverage: - Analysed data on credit transfers, direct debits, card payments, cash withdrawals, and e-money transactions across all EU/EEA countries. - Focused on total payment transactions and fraudulent transactions in value and volume. 💰 Fraud Analysis: - Total payment fraud in 2022: EUR 4.3 billion; H1 2023: EUR 2.0 billion. - Major fraud types: Credit transfers and card payments. - H1 2023: EUR 1.131 billion in fraudulent credit transfers; EUR 633 million in card fraud. 📊 Fraud Rates: - The highest fraud rates were observed in card payments (0.031% value, 0.015% volume) and e-money transactions (0.022% value, 0.012% volume). - Lower fraud rates in direct debits, cash withdrawals, and other instruments. 💳 Card Fraud Insights: - Predominantly remote transactions. - Main causes: Lost/stolen cards and card details theft. - SCA has a significant impact, especially within the EEA. 🌍 Geographical Insights: - Most transactions were domestic, but cross-border fraud was significant, especially outside the EEA. 🔐 Security Measures: - SCA shows a positive impact, with lower fraud rates for authenticated transactions. - Higher fraud rates observed for transactions using SCA exemptions. 📈 Liability & Loss Distribution: - Varies by payment instrument and country. - PSUs bore significant losses, especially in credit transfers and card payments. 📉 Outlook: - Stable fraud trends due to SCA and other industry measures. - Continuous monitoring by EBA and ECB to enhance payment security. #Payments #Fraud #FraudPrevention #Fintech #EBA #ECB #PSD2 #SCA #PaymentSecurity

EBA_ECB 2024 Report on Payment Fraud.pdf

EBA_ECB 2024 Report on Payment Fraud.pdf

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