Meet EMBA/MS in Healthcare Leadership alum, Julia Joseph, MBA, MS '24. Read on to hear how she found value in learning alongside a diverse cohort and how her journey at Cornell has shaped her impactful career. #CornellMBA #WeAreWCM #CornellBusiness #healthcareleadership
Q: As a non-clinician, what was the value-add in being in a class with other clinicians?
A: It was eye-opening to hear the perspectives of the clinicians in my class. Getting to bounce ideas off my classmates has opened my eyes to their perspectives, challenges, and ideas that I had not previously been exposed to.
Q: Tell us about your pre-Cornell experiences, including your work, prior studies, and achievements.
A: I want to make an impact in digital health. As with many people I know, I have watched family and friends experience some of the horrible parts of our healthcare system, and I’ve had the drive to change that for as long as I can remember. I studied Information Science at Cornell for my undergraduate studies, and after graduation, I was looking for ways to use my technology degree so that I would feel good about going to work every day. That’s how I made it into health technology. I currently work as a Data Product Owner at Merck, where I help commercial business teams solve problems and answer questions with data. I have also spent the last few years investigating the ethical use of data for machine learning and artificial intelligence; in particular, learning how bioethics principles can be leveraged to ensure we are building the most ethical data-based products possible.
Q: Why did you choose Cornell? What part of the program was most attractive to you?
A: I was looking for a way to marry my interest in business with my passion for healthcare. Cornell was the only program I found that did both. The quality of education, the focus on well-rounded perspectives across clinicians and non-clinicians, and the executive leadership coaching all drew me to this program.
Q: What do/did you want to learn during your MBA/MS?
A: I wanted to learn everything about our healthcare system! What the issues are, how it works, how it differs from global healthcare systems, and most importantly how to make it better.
Q: Complete this phrase. “I would describe the Cornell EMBA/MS in Healthcare Leadership community as..."
A: the smartest, most driven, and most passionate people you will ever meet.
Q: Complete this phrase. “The most unique thing about the Cornell EMBA/MS in Healthcare Leadership program is...”
A: The depth of education from the business school and the medical school, combining insight and knowledge across disciplines to create a truly singular educational experience.
physician, retired
5moCongratulations CJ! You rock.