City of Manteca reposted this
Thank you to CBS Sacramento’s Carmela Karcher for a great story on a major milestone for the San Joaquin Council of Governments’ State Route 99/120 Connector project in Manteca. The much-needed work has begun! The pivotal work to remove the 1950s-era Austin Road overcrossing, or bridge, in Manteca is the next major step in the highway-to-highway State Route 99/120 Connector project overseen by the San Joaquin Council of Governments (SJCOG). The project will replace overcrossing with a longer structure spanning a wider State Route 99 and Union Pacific Railroad tracks. In the long run, the work will improve safety, ease traffic congestion, enhance mobility and goods movement, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions for better air quality. The overcrossing closure and detour are required so motorists can safely drive around the work and will be in place for about a year and a half. See the story on CBS Sacramento’s YouTube channel: