One of my favorite books, I read The Hobbit for the first time more than four decades ago. Having bought it in a bookshop in Mexico City, it cost me „dearly“ - because I essentially missed the entire scenery on the bus ride to Mérida (Yucatán) being completely absorbed by Tolkien‘s book and by Bilbo Baggins’ travails. At the start of a new year, I‘m reminded of a key moment of introspection by Bilbo (in one of the most pivotal moments of the book): „Go back?" he thought. "No good at all! Go sideways? Impossible! Go forward? Only thing to do! On we go!" Wishing you all the very best for 2025! PS: On a related note, Tolkien‘s books led to the best excuse I’ve ever heard from a student for missing a lecture, 25 years ago when I taught at the University of Auckland: „Sorry for missing your lecture, Dr Leitz, but I’ve got to be an extra in the Lord of the Rings movies.“
that student just knew which button to push 😉. My husband endearingly calls me The Hobbit 😅
Hahaha All the best for 2025 Christian and looking forward to speak soon again
Wishing you Christian Leitz and your family all the best for 2025! Also what an excuse to have to miss a lecturer!
All the best, good health, luck and fulfillment for 2025 Christian Leitz
With a passion for communication, teamwork and excellence
1moLove the quote… and the p.s. — all the best for 2025, and let’s meet for a coffee soon!