Chiara Buongiovanni’s Post

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Communication and Advocacy for Social Innovation | Journalist | Italian teacher for foreigners

[What about #SFDR?] 🆕 EU considers adding more laws to EU omnibus, says head of simplification "The original plan was to simplify three of the EU’s flagship sustainability rules: the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive #CSRD, Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive #CS3D, and #EUTaxonomy Regulation but the EU has confirmed that it is considering adding more sustainability laws to its planned ‘omnibus’ package and that it may be the first of an “omnibus fleet”. via Real Economy Progress #sustainablefinance

EU considers adding more laws to EU omnibus, says head of simplification - Real Economy Progress

EU considers adding more laws to EU omnibus, says head of simplification - Real Economy Progress

Chiara Buongiovanni

Communication and Advocacy for Social Innovation | Journalist | Italian teacher for foreigners

Diana Severati

Crowdfunding | Sustainability | Communication | Community


I dettagli del pacchetto omnibus sulla sostenibilità saranno svelati il 26 febbraio. Ke discrezioni parlano di riduzione della platea di imprese che rientrano negli obblighi di reporting previsti dalla CSRD e un rinvio ulteriore per le altre; è inoltre probabile che venga meno il principio della doppia materialità.

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