New Advertising Regulations for HFSS products 🚨 From 1 October 2025, there will be a ban on advertisements for less healthy food and drink being shown on TV before 21:00 in the UK. 📺❌ Ads within Ofcom-regulated on-demand programme services will be subject to the same 21:00 watershed, and otherwise paid-for ads for in-scope food and drink products will be banned completely online. Following its earlier confirmation that advertising restrictions for less healthy food or drink (also referred to as products high in fat, salt or sugar (HFSS)) on TV and online would be implemented, the government has now, on 3 December, laid the Advertising (Less Healthy Food Definitions and Exemptions) Regulations 2024 before Parliament and published guidance on them. See our Insight below for more on which businesses and products will be caught by the new regulations. 👇 Katie Vickery Anna L. Gregory Barton #HFSS
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The Government has set out proposed advertising restrictions on a range of food and drinks that will take effect from October 2025. Reaction to the announcement has perhaps unsurprisingly focussed on some of the more headline grabbing products, such as crumpets, that will no longer feature on adverts on TV before 9pm or online at all. The proposed ban was developed under the last Government but delayed to allow time for the food and drink sector to prepare, along with the backdrop of a cost of living crisis. Under Labour a more concerted push is being made on preventative approaches to tackle the nation's obesity crisis. It will therefore be interesting to see what else is set out in the reportedly revived National Food Strategy that may be launched before Christmas. Whilst the aims of the advertising restrictions are arguably well-intended, the proof will be in the sugar-free pudding. If you would like to know more about how our team can assist your sector, business or organisation feel free to contact us at [email protected]
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The UK government has published their Statutory Instrument to restrict the advertising of 'less healthy' food and drink products on TV and online. Starting from 1st October 2025, there will be a 9pm watershed for these ads on broadcast TV, and a 24-hour limitation on paid-for online advertising. These measures aim to combat childhood obesity by limiting exposure to products high in fat, salt, and sugar (HFSS). Although it’s not unexpected news, it gives advertisers and Industry the details they need to make sure they’re prepared and compliant with this new legislation. Given the scale of the internet and social media, it’s yet to be seen how this will be enforced, but the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) guidance for Industry on Food: HFSS Media Placement - ASA | CAP will hopefully be updated to include these new requirements. #FoodIndustry #PublicHealth #HealthyEating #Regulations #Compliance
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Interesting read from BakeryAndSnacks on the upcoming #HFSS advertising restrictions, set to take effect in October 2025. These new rules will limit ads for high-fat, sugar, and salt products during peak TV hours and online. A crucial reminder for brands to start preparing for these changes. Read here:
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Specified ‘less healthy’ HFSS foods will be subject to further restrictions (a 9pm watershed restriction on broadcast TV, and a complete ban on paid for advertising online) from 1 October 2025 - are you ready? What about brand advertising? All eyes on the Committee of Advertising Practice as we await its new draft guidance... #foodlaw #HFSS
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HFSS guidance update from the Committee of Advertising Practice this morning. 🗨️ "So, for advertisers, our revised guidance is likely to clarify that – even if your ad does not explicitly refer to or feature an LHF product – it may still be restricted under law, where persons in the UK could reasonably be expected to be able to identify your ad as being for an LHF product or LHF products." Thoughts? #LHF #HFSS #Advertising #CAP
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The new Children’s Advertising Code and Food and Beverage Advertising Code have come into effect for all new advertising in New Zealand. Our Advertising and Promotions Team explore the effect of these two new codes on advertisers. #ASA #NZAdvertisingCodes #CorporateAndCommercialLaw
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Hi, it’s Deborah and Euzi Did you know that on 1st of October 2025, further restrictions (‘the advertising restrictions’) will come into force on the advertising of certain products categorised as less healthy food and drink? #legaladvicefordivorcematters #legaladviceforlandlordandtenantmatters #legaladviceforemploymentmatters #mackenziefriend #helpingyoutopreparetoattendatcourt #affordablelawforyou #bespokelegaladvice
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Junk food adverts to be banned online and on TV before 9pm next year: Andrew Gwynne, the health minister, has revealed plans to implement restrictions on junk food advertising on TV and online from October 2025. In a written ministerial statement, Gwynne said Labour intends to introduce the measure – which would prevent junk food advertising on TV before 9pm – “without further delay”. He said: “We will introduce a 9pm watershed on TV advertising, and a total ban on paid-for online advertising. These restrictions will help protect children from being exposed to advertising of less healthy food and drinks, which evidence shows influences their dietary preferences from a young age.” The ban will relate to TV advertising and Internet Protocol Television (IPTV), which delivers television live over the internet. Under Labour plans, these advertising restrictions will be implemented from 1 October 2025. Gwynne said: “Our proposal is to make clear in the regulations that IPTV services regulated by Ofcom will be subject to the broadcast 9pm watershed in the same way as other TV and Ofcom-regulated on-demand programme services. This requires clarification within the secondary legislation and, in line with our statutory duty to consult, we are launching a targeted consultation that is open for four weeks.”
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The Food and Drink Federation (FDF) has called for clarity on forthcoming #HFSS regulations after advertising watchdogs backtracked on how companies should interpret the guidance. #britishbaker Advertising Standards Authority Ofcom, UK independent communications regulator
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The Food and Drink Federation has called for clarity on forthcoming HFSS regulations after advertising watchdogs backtracked on how companies should interpret the guidance. #bakery #health #marketing #legislation
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