Rahul Sidhu explains this concept perfectly. For a DFR platform to be truly valuable, it must operate as an open ecosystem—integrating with existing software AND hardware (including drones from multiple companies). Many companies in this space claim to offer open ecosystems, yet they lock their customers into closed systems and refuse to integrate for competitive reasons. They will even try to convince you that their closed ecosystem is somehow better than having multiple companies collaborate to achieve the best possible outcomes for customers. That is top tier salesmanship right there. To ensure the longevity of your program, ask the following questions. 1. Will you charge me to integrate with (insert technology of interest here)? When can this integration be accomplished? 2. Will you allow us to fly your drones with other software instead? 3. Will you allow us to fly other drones with your software instead? 4. Can I use the other hardware you provide, such as body cameras, with other RTCC or DFR software? Or can I only use the software in your ecosystem? 5. What integrations do you have that are currently live today? Flock Safety
The greatest wars are won without firing a bullet.
1wLove it! How to we plugin our open BMS into Flock Safety?