Well I feel like you just totally re raised the bar and what it means to be a fan. Yeah, well, when I was in San Francisco a few months ago, I saw a message hamper in the team at rental team chat. And it was like this huge network banner, like a big rollout banner that you might see it like a a career fair or something like that. And I was like, let's work. It's got all of our faces on it, like all of our branding. And I'm like, who is we're not doing banners like who commissioned this? And it turns out it wasn't, it wasn't us. It was one of our students, Nico, who had out of his own. Pocket created this huge banner and a whole display of network match. There were network T-shirts, there were network bags, there were network like stick, my gosh, it's taken all of our faces and the team put them through like an AI generator. So they were all cartoons, printed them out and then hand cut them out and people were like sticking them on their laptops and bags and things. And he recently just sent through like this Rubik's Cube that he's made. That's network. Branded as well. So ohh, my gosh, yeah. We have to let me suggest students. Yeah, we just send a message. Hey, can you send us some, some swag? Because we don't, we don't have any indictment. And he's he's got an abundance. So it's really great that it is. You know, we should really probably send a mix, some brand guidelines or something around that.