Are only dog owners able to relate to this? When you have them you will need to make choices. Some are beneficial, while others are barely acceptable and just bad. #linkedindogs #decisionmaking #lifechoices #money #business
A person must respond to the dog's absolute devotion.
Sad story
Every single person makes this type of decision every day. It costs approximately $3000 in donations to save a child’s life in sub Saharan Africa. Everytime we make a purchase of that amount we make a decision that we prefer to purchase that item or experience instead of saving a child’s life. So he could sell his house to pay for his pets vet bill, or he could save 8 children’s lives in Nigeria. I choose looking after my kids, buying cars and going on holiday over saving children’s lives every day. What do you do?
Define "understand", please. I've already spend myself several tousends for my 2 Chihuahuas (16 and 19 yr) and my (broken wing-) Jackdaw and believe, consider it my best investition ever. This Angels deserved every single penny (even If just only for 1 ore 2 years more) and If necessary, I would sale my house too for them. Of course they DO understand and apreciate all your efforts, no matter how small and moreover, they pay You back in unconditioned affection 1000x more. Unlike many "humans" (sorry, but that's the pure reality).
I think once you decided to be responsible for another creature you are obligated to do everything to make them happy and healthy.
Biaggio Triassi Decades ago, when my only major asset was a nice washing machine, I sold it for $700 to pay for my cat's surgery. Roger was a sweet loving boy and I do not regret making that decision at all. I'd do the same for any of my pets, current or future.
A life is life, and every worth saving! Landmark act.
I am proud of my Business Life Experience & Diversity Professional Athlete! Professional Wealth Mgt Advisor, and Manager, Trainer & Recruiter Unique Biz niche with HOA’s! Passionate Horse Owner & Fan! Life Skill
3wCompletely understand