Check out this week's venture capital investment summary ($545.5 million raised across 18 featured companies) spanning early & growth-stage US based Environmental Technology & Enterprise Software startups! 🚀 Every Monday, the team here at Bearhug Recruiting aggregates, researches, and publishes a recap of the prior week's fundraising activity within the early and growth-stage Environmental Technology & Enterprise Software startup ecosystem. 🌎 This research not only allows us to keep our finger on the pulse of the type of startups we serve, but also benefits others who, like us, enjoy analyzing the latest trends that signal investor confidence AND startup growth within what we believe are the most exciting and impactful market segments. 🎯 We also hope the people and companies we feature enjoy both a virtual fist bump from the team at Bearhug, plus benefit from some additional free market exposure to amplify their mission. Click the link below to get caught up, and make sure you reach out to any that are interesting/relevant that you might be able to help! ❤️ 💥 Link: 👈 #OceanWell #FourGrowers #Distru #Oishii #Ecore #Alchemyca #EarthOptics #Lightsynq #BrightAI #Inversion #Aquaria #EpicCleantec #Revv #Keychain #Distyl #Agentio #SuperAnnotate #MagmaMath #BearhugRecruiting #EnvironmentalTechnology #Sustainability #ClimateTech #CleanTech #DeepTech #FrontierTech #IndustrialAutomation #EnergyTech #ArtificialIntelligence #EnterpriseSoftware #StartupFunding #Startup #Entrepreneur #Entrepreneurship #Startups #Funding #StartupNews #VentureCapital #Technology
OceanWell Robert Bergstrom Kubota Corporation Charles McGarraugh Four Growers, Inc. Brandon Contino Taver Capital Partners Mikhail Taver Distru Blaine Hatab Jesse McElvain Felicis Niki Pezeshki Village Global Anne Dwane Oishii Hiroki Koga Will Yandell Naijia Huang John Reed Melissa Cohn Hitoshi Kawashima Bloom8 Gabriel Ruimy Brandon Chong Ecore International Art Dodge BeyondNetZero Michael Bevan Wilson Bowen Alchemyca Biotech Patrick Vagner Ferment Jason Kakoyiannis EarthOptics Lars Dyrud Todd Martin Brittany Buchanan Sarah DeVoe Katie Hsia-Kiung Natalie McCracken S2G Ventures Cristina Rohr Serra Ventures, LLC Stephen Beck Lightsynq Mihir Bhaskar Safar Partners Nader Motamedy Arunas Chesonis IQT (In-Q-Tel) George Hoyem BrightAI Alex Hawkinson Erin Dudley Mark Jaremko Brent Sisson Susanne Y. Pinar Akgun Gursoy Upfront Ventures Nick Kim
Boutique Headhunter l GTM Executive Search l Start-Up to Scale-Up l Environmental Tech & Enterprise Software l We’re Hiring!
3moInversion Justin Fiaschetti Spark Capital Nabeel Hyatt Adjacent Nico Wittenborn Kohala Ventures Eric DelBalso Aquaria Brian Sheng Neil Mehta Soma Capital Fouad Farhat Aneel Ranadive Mir Faiyaz Bow Capital Raymond Dong Epic Cleantec Aaron Tartakovsky Chelsea Wolff J-Ventures Fund Oded Hermoni Revv Adi Bathla Tucker Kelly Michael Fitch Saurabh Kohli Nick Vasko Left Lane Capital Dan Ahrens 1984 Ventures Samit Kalra Keychain Oisin Hanrahan Gregory Pang BoxGroup David Tisch Lightspeed Raviraj Jain Distyl AI Arjun Prakash Khosla Ventures Samir Kaul Hari Arul Coatue Andy Chen Simon Chan Agentio Arthur Leopold Steven Laake Guillermo Echarte Hilary Anne Hyman Anna Haywood Craft Ventures Bryan Rosenblatt AlleyCorp Susannah Shipton SuperAnnotate Vahan Petrosyan Base10 Partners TJ Nahigian Plug and Play Tech Center Alireza Masrour Magma Math Henrik Appert Jordan Evans Five Elms Capital Joe Onofrio