Check out this week's venture capital investment summary (16 featured companies) spanning early & growth-stage US based Environmental Technology & Enterprise Software startups! 🚀 Every Monday, the team here at Bearhug Recruiting aggregates, researches, and publishes a recap of the prior week's fundraising activity within the early and growth-stage Environmental Technology & Enterprise Software startup ecosystem. 🎯 This research not only allows us to keep our finger on the pulse of the type of startups we serve, but also benefits others who, like us, enjoy analyzing the latest trends that signal investor confidence AND startup growth within what we believe are the most exciting and impactful market segments. 🌎 We also hope the people and companies we feature enjoy both a virtual fist bump from the team at Bearhug, plus benefit from some additional free market exposure to amplify their mission. Click the link below to get caught up, and make sure you reach out to any that are interesting/relevant that you might be able to help! ❤️ 💥 Link: 👈 #Hona #Hark #GrayMatterRobotics #AikidoTechnologies #Substrate #Maxterial #Pomerium #MoltenIndustries #SewerAI #Finaloop #Valuebase #ScoopAnalytics #Decagon #Factory #Trustwise #HumataHealth #BearhugRecruiting #EnvironmentalTechnology #Sustainability #ClimateTech #CleanTech #DeepTech #FrontierTech #IndustrialAutomation #EnergyTech #ArtificialIntelligence #EnterpriseSoftware #StartupFunding #Startup #Entrepreneur #Entrepreneurship #Startups #Funding #StartupNews #VentureCapital #Technology
SewerAI Matthew Rosenthal Billy Gilmartin Innovius Capital Justin Moore Bentley iTwin Ventures Tom Kurke Finaloop Lioran Pinchevski Elad Simon Nitsan Peled Lightspeed Tal Morgenstern Accel Martin Gibson Valuebase Will Jarvis Narya Colin Greenspon Falon Donohue Scoop Analytics, Inc. Brad Peters Ridge Ventures Yousuf Khan Decagon Jesse Zhang Grant Proctor Andreessen Horowitz Kimberly Tan Jeff Silverstein Accel Ivan Zhou Factory Matan Grinberg Sequoia Capital Shaun Maguire Trustwise Manoj Saxena Hitachi Ventures Gayathri Radhakrishnan Humata Health Jeremy Friese, MD Michael Kolb The Blue Venture Fund Richard Antwi-Boasiako LRVHealth Keith J. Figlioli
Hona Manny Griffiths Brad Sturgill Levi Lindsay 💭 Costanoa Ventures Amy Cheetham Hark Fran Brzyski Emily R. Oceans Steven Rosenblatt Nilanjana B. Alumni Ventures David Beazley GrayMatter Robotics Ariyan Kabir Wellington Management Sean Petersen Stage Venture Partners Alex Rubalcava Bow Capital Murray Rode Calibrate Ventures Kevin Dunlap Aikido Technologies Sam Kanner Azolla Ventures Matthew Nordan Propeller Reece Pacheco Substrate Rob Cheung Lightspeed Nnamdi Iregbulem Maxterial, Inc. Mehdi Kargar Helios Climate Ventures Jesse Johnson Pomerium Bobby DeSimone John Skubel Benchmark Eric Vishria Molten Industries Kevin Bush Breakthrough Energy Carmichael Roberts Fifty Years Alex Teng
Thanks for including us! If you're curious about Substrate, check out this concise RAG demo in 34 lines of code: