Check out this week's venture capital investment summary (11 featured companies) spanning early & growth-stage US based Environmental Technology & Enterprise Software startups! 🚀 Every Monday, the team here at Bearhug Recruiting aggregates, researches, and publishes a recap of the prior week's fundraising activity within the early and growth-stage Environmental Technology & Enterprise Software startup ecosystem. 🎯 This research not only allows us to keep our finger on the pulse of the type of startups we serve, but also benefits others who, like us, enjoy analyzing the latest trends that signal investor confidence AND startup growth within what we believe are the most exciting and impactful market segments. 🌎 We also hope the people and companies we feature enjoy both a virtual fist bump from the team at Bearhug, plus benefit from some additional free market exposure to amplify their mission. Click the link below to get caught up, and make sure you reach out to any that are interesting/relevant that you might be able to help! ❤️ 💥 See link in comments… #BeaconAI #Solubag #PerryWeather #Kick #AgencyAI #EquilibriumEnergy #KingEnergy #Monogoto #ClerkChat #Neuron7 #Decagon #BearhugRecruiting #EnvironmentalTechnology #Sustainability #ClimateTech #CleanTech #DeepTech #FrontierTech #IndustrialAutomation #EnergyTech #ArtificialIntelligence #EnterpriseSoftware #StartupFunding #Startup #Entrepreneur #Entrepreneurship #Startups #Funding #StartupNews #VentureCapital #Technology
Beacon AI Matt Cox Costanoa Ventures Greg Sands Mark Selcow Katy Wiley Scout Ventures Bradley C. Harrison Cody H. Solubag Cristian Olivares Mike Latham Exit Ventures Paul Burgon Perry Weather Colin Perry Arthur Ventures Patrick Meenan Teamworthy Ventures Thomas Lehrman Ryan Kruizenga Kick Conrad Wadowski Roadrunner Ventures Nate O'Brien Sebastian F. DVC Marina Davidova Nick Davidov Agency AI Elias Torres Sequoia Capital Pat Grady HubSpot Ventures Brian Halligan Equilibrium Energy Ryan Hanley DCVC Rachel Slaybaugh Flo Thinh Chialtas Breakthrough Energy Sila Kiliccote Valo Ventures Scott Tierney Julia Trotman Brady
This weekly summary is a fantastic resource for staying updated on the dynamic sectors of Environmental Technology and Enterprise Software. It's great to see Bearhug Recruiting providing such valuable insights. These updates not only highlight emerging trends but also offer a platform for startups to gain visibility and connect with potential collaborators.
Boutique Headhunter l GTM Executive Search l Start-Up to Scale-Up l Environmental Tech & Enterprise Software l We’re Hiring!
4moKing Energy John Witchel Brian Clausen ArcTern Ventures Mira Inbar Blackhorn Ventures Amanda Rohrer, CFA Active Impact Investments Sam Hasty Monogoto Itamar Kunik Cody Affleck Davienne Dente Anthony Debner Assembly Ventures Chris Thomas Jessica Robinson J-Ventures Fund Oded Hermoni Clerk Chat Alexander Haque Chandana Raghunath (Chan) Doug Baudler Race Capital Alfred Chuang Chris McCann Edith Yeung Mento vc Alex Zhuravlev Russell Razhko Niken Patel Marc Silberstrom Justin Humphries Liz Wakefield Nexus Venture Partners Abhishek Sharma Battery Ventures Bill Binch Dharmesh Thakker Sudhee Chilappagari Decagon Jesse Zhang Adara Parker Bain Capital Ventures Aaref Hilaly Accel Ivan Zhou Paula Judge