Check out this week's venture capital investment summary ($478.42 million raised across 11 featured companies) spanning early & growth-stage US based Environmental Technology & Enterprise Software startups! 🚀 Every Monday, the team here at Bearhug Recruiting aggregates, researches, and publishes a recap of the prior week's fundraising activity within the early and growth-stage Environmental Technology & Enterprise Software startup ecosystem. 🌎 This research not only allows us to keep our finger on the pulse of the type of startups we serve, but also benefits others who, like us, enjoy analyzing the latest trends that signal investor confidence AND startup growth within what we believe are the most exciting and impactful market segments. 🎯 We also hope the people and companies we feature enjoy both a virtual fist bump from the team at Bearhug, plus benefit from some additional free market exposure to amplify their mission. Click the link below to get caught up, and make sure you reach out to any that are interesting/relevant that you might be able to help! ❤️ 💥 Link: 👈 #AmpRobotics #Heirloom #Tractian #Infleqtion #Vooma #HappyRobot #NurtureBoss #WeatherFlowTempest #Provarity #Enterpret #Yurts #BearhugRecruiting #EnvironmentalTechnology #Sustainability #ClimateTech #CleanTech #DeepTech #FrontierTech #IndustrialAutomation #EnergyTech #ArtificialIntelligence #EnterpriseSoftware #StartupFunding #Startup #Entrepreneur #Entrepreneurship #Startups #Funding #StartupNews #VentureCapital #Technology
AMP Matanya Horowitz Tim Stuart Carson Potter Jalen Lair Robert Norris Gale Clark Jon Gertsmeier Congruent Ventures Abe Yokell Sequoia Capital Shaun Maguire Microsoft Climate Innovation Fund Brandon Middaugh GV (Google Ventures) Andy Wheeler Heirloom Shashank Samala Albert Luu Ahren Innovation Capital Alice Newcombe-Ellis Yes VC Caterina Fake Jyri Engeström TRACTIAN Igor Marinelli Josh Power Sapphire Ventures Anders Ranum General Catalyst Trevor Oelschig Next47 Lak Ananth NGP Capital Debjit Mukerji Y Combinator Dalton Caldwell Soma Capital Aneel Ranadive Infleqtion Matthew Kinsella Erik Thoresen Alok Gupta Paul Lipman Maverick Ventures Ambar Bhattacharyya Vooma Jesse Buckingham Craft Ventures Lainy Painter Singh Operator Stack Fund Ron Pragides
Boutique Headhunter l GTM Executive Search l Start-Up to Scale-Up l Environmental Tech & Enterprise Software l We’re Hiring!
2moHappyRobot Pablo Palafox Andreessen Horowitz Anish Acharya Y Combinator Diana Hu Array Ventures Shruti Gandhi Nurture Boss Jacob Carter (Nurture Boss) Jessica Biskind (Nurture Boss) Brock MacLean In Revenue Capital Justin Gray Kapital Partners Nickhil Bhave WeatherFlow-Tempest, Inc. Buck Lyons Michele Redmon WindSail Capital Group LLC Ian Bowles Provarity.AI Chris Cabrera Paul Rokes Cole Cabrera Jerry Casilli Cheyenne Ventures Gregory Eaton Jay Fulcher Enterpret Varun Sharma Tiffany Go Canaan Rayfe Gaspar-Asaoka Yurts Ben Van Roo Steve Mahoney Jessica Agarwal XYZ Venture Capital Ross Fubini Nava Ventures Manish Patel