One of the most exciting investments of ours. It has been such a thrilling ride and one full of education with Soumya and team. I can't wait for the day when the first L-SAT with our SAR goes up in the sky and to witness the boundless possibilities it can create. Congratulations Soumya Misra Tapan Misra Urmi Bhambhani Misra
We are thrilled to lead the seed investment in Sisir Radar, an Indian deep tech startup building cutting-edge Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellites for defence, intelligence, and commercial applications. Satellite imaging is at the heart of modern intelligence, security, and decision-making. Traditional optical satellites struggle with darkness, clouds, and dense foliage- SAR overcomes these barriers. With the ability to see through all conditions, SAR is critical for defence, agriculture, mining, disaster response, and maritime surveillance. Founded by Dr. Tapan Misra, (former Director of ISRO’s Space Applications Centre), alongside Soumya Misra and Urmi Bhambhani Misra, Sisir Radar is India’s first startup to develop high-resolution SAR payloads across L, P, and X bands. While most SAR satellites operate in higher frequencies, L-band SAR can penetrate dense foliage, and P-band SAR can even detect underground structures. Their cost-effective, all-weather SAR technology is set to democratise SAR imaging and position India as a global leader in Earth observation. We’re proud to partner with Dr. Tapan Misra, Soumya Misra, Urmi Bhambhani and the entire Sisir Radar team in this exciting journey. Read more at: Vasant Rao | Avijeet Alagathi | Ashis Nayak | Venus Dhuria | Jivesh Madan
🟠 Global Product & Tech Leader 🔶 $1.24 Bn+ Impact unlocked 🔶 Driving Product Growth - focus on Flywheel, Network Effect 🔶 Experience in building & innovating solutions for B2C, B2B2C, Marketplace products via AI/ML
1wAwesome space!