TL/DR: What did you eat for breakfast at the weekend? A cohort of tasty designers? Our Sharks did. Last weekend, 13 of our post-graduate design students completed their 7-week module in Creative Entrepreneurship by facing their deepest fears, and two of New Zealand’s fiercest sharks, in a live Shark Tank experiment. Each student was given 7 minutes to present an amazing new product or service that incredibly, didn’t exist 7 weeks ago. Back then, they were asked to cast themselves in the role of founder of a start-up that uses an emerging (or re-emerging) technology to solve a real-world problem in an innovative way. For emerging technology, think AI, biochemistry, solar, robotics, etc, and for ‘re-merging’ think anything ancient, forgotten, or obsolete. Then through a process of visioneering, questioning, R&D, prototyping and iterating, they would build their product (or service), develop a business plan, then reveal their immaculately conceived baby to our panel of world-famous sharks (who we’d deliberately starved). How would the students fare? Would they get ripped to shreds? Our sharking duo, Simon Coley and Wendy Kerr, are no strangers to this game having survived it in the real world. Simon, founder, the Karma Drinks range, believes in doing good through trade, building bridges (and community), the power of optimism, great design, and the wonderful combination of creativity and stupidity that one must surely possess in order to embark upon any world-changing endeavour. Wendy Kerr, angel investor, C-suite whisperer, in-demand speaker, best-selling author, strategist and FemTech ally, and Icehouse Ventures incubator, has seen it all. Chewed it up. And spat most of it out. So how did it go? We saw innovations in EdTech, MedTech, more sustainable packing design, gaming at the intersection of fitness, AI-powered apps and services, an intelligent shoe that understands your rheumatic pain, and more. (I took the tough decision not to show the work, lest the students pursue their own IP.) And the Sharks' reaction? Did they smell the fear? Were they tempted by the fresh meat on offer? Simon: “…it was a pleasure to be able to review the work shared by these budding Creative Entrepreneurs. The standard of ideas that were commercially viable was surprisingly high given the short length of time they’d had to develop. Even more impressive was the common thread of social entrepreneurship running through all the concepts.” Wendy, on how the business ideas/solutions presented struck a chord: “The way the students have been able to parlay the personal into business opportunities is enviable.” And on the way the student’s received feedback, took it onboard, and built better because of it: “…Watching all of you being coachable, and being able to learn in the moment…was remarkable.” Now, to the patent office! Kate Humphries Sarah Elsie Baker Media Design School Matthew Stevens Darryn Melrose Scott Thompson-Whiteside #creativity #tech
Ps love and thanks to Omar Karim for permission to use his shark’s head image.
This is awesome. Changing it up to keep ahead of the changing environment for creatives. Wish I'd had this experience as a student.
“…Watching all of you being coachable, and being able to learn in the moment…was remarkable.”
What a brilliant learning experience for our students!
Thank you, Andy! This experience is a game changer.
Fearless creator. Serial innovator. Ex-Meta. Author. Publisher. Thinker. Maker. Co-lead of the Master of Design program at Media Design School.
9moWell, Shark Tank is over for another year. Our gratitude, of course, goes to Simon and Wendy for the depth of their involvement, inspiration, wisdom and feedback and for giving us multiple weekends of their precious personal time. And my sincere thanks to the students for throwing themselves into it, and for going all in.