February 18th, 2018. 7 years ago, I ventured off on my own, leaving my upline after they sold to a bigger group. I did not have a place to put my contracts. Every group in Houston that I approached either tried to stick me under a downline or offered me the lowest level contracts. Andrew Watkins was the only one that believed in me at that time and to this day, we have and will be loyal to SMA. Mike Santos is the other brother that I have in this industry that believed in me. We started with 4 agents and today have over 80 across Texas, Oklahoma and Florida. That agent count might seem small but our app count per agent hovers over 150/agent. We may not be the biggest agent force but we consider ourselves the best. As long as you approach the market with network-based selling, you will survive in this industry. The mindset should never be to Google-search your way through life. Take action and execute. Problem solving the puzzle piece that is the Medicare system is how you create longevity and prosperity in this field.
It’s been an honor to be part of your journey my friend!
Let’s go brother! 🔥
All the best to you and your team Andrew!! You guys bring such value to your clients!! We at Devoted appreciate and value the partnership.
…and avoid more knee surgeries. Great to see you doing this, keep it up!
Your team truly is the best and industry leading when it comes to training and marketing! 👏🏻Very who said!!
you have done very well for yourself and i’m very proud of you
and the best is yet to come
What a CLUTCH decision! One of the industries best 👌
Good on you, Andrew! Great to see Nine-min 😀
Let me help you build and a scale your insurance agency.
1wSuch a killer journey brother! So happy for your success!!!