The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services released the Medicare Advantage proposed rule for contract year 2026. See key takeaways for plans and providers in this article from Forvis Mazars US:
Amber Sherrill-Roberts, CPA’s Post
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The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services released the Medicare Advantage proposed rule for contract year 2026. See key takeaways for plans and providers in this article from Forvis Mazars US:
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The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services released the Medicare Advantage proposed rule for contract year 2026. See key takeaways for plans and providers in this article from Forvis Mazars US:
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The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services released the Medicare Advantage proposed rule for contract year 2026. See key takeaways for plans and providers in this article from Forvis Mazars US:
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The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services released the Medicare Advantage proposed rule for contract year 2026. See key takeaways for plans and providers in this article from Forvis Mazars US:
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The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services released the Medicare Advantage proposed rule for contract year 2026. See key takeaways for plans and providers in this article from Forvis Mazars US:
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WATCH: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services's Dr. Liz F. spoke with the PCC in a recent webinar about newly proposed changes to Medicare Part B Payment Policy. Read highlights and view the full webinar here ⤵️
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The comment period for the proposed MA/Part D rule closes today (so there's still time!) AMGA's comments address CMS' proposal to measure the impact of prior authorization (PA) on individuals with specific social risk factors. While PA was designed to manage care and costs, AMGA members frequently lament how it often creates significant barriers for patients and providers. PA delays or denies access to medically necessary care. And should CMS collect the information as envisioned in this rule, I'm confident it will show what we already know... PA disproportionately affects underserved communities and exacerbates health disparities. It's time to move beyond merely reforming PA policies and start reducing their use altogether. Eliminating overly restrictive PA requirements would: ✅ Improve timely access to care for patients, especially those with social risk factors. ✅ Reduce administrative burdens on healthcare providers, enabling more time for patient care. While I appreciate CMS’s efforts to analyze and reform PA, AMGA members have been very clear on this point: The best way to ensure equitable, high-quality care is to streamline the system and reduce the use of PA. What are your thoughts on the future of PA in MA? Share your thoughts below #HealthPolicy #MedicareAdvantage #PriorAuthorization
AMGA today recommended eliminating where possible the use of prior authorization in the Medicare Advantage program. In comments on the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Medicare Advantage and Part D proposed rule for 2026, AMGA expressed concern about the burden associated with prior authorization. Read the full release:
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Have you seen the Office-Based Facility Association video about the concerning Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services data? Check it out below to learn about the concerning cuts to certain office-based interventional services.
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The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (“CMS”) have released their 2024 updates to the Gag Clause Prohibition Compliance Attestation materials, incorporating feedback and addressing challenges with the attestation template from previous years. Learn more:
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Webinar Opportunity! Want to understand the impact of what the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Final Rule means and how Outcomes can help drive value across plan metrics to sustain performance? Register here:
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