Warum die #Halbleiterindustrie ein entscheidender Wirtschaftsfaktor für #Deutschland und #Europa ist Why the semiconductor industry is a crucial economic factor for Germany and Europe?
Alejandra F.’s Post
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The recent postponements of new #semiconductor fabs under EU funding schemes make it clear: a long-term #microelectronics strategy to meet our ambitions is urgently needed. In close cooperation between government and industry, as a pan-European approach. The effectiveness of this strategy should be measured in a time frame relevant to semiconductor companies. This means billion-euro investment cycles directed at least five to ten years into the future, no ad-hoc adaptations. The competitiveness of the European semiconductor industry is crucial for our tech sovereignty. I have shared some thoughts with the Handelsblatt: Strategy& PwC Handelsblatt Frank Bösenberg Dr. Andreas Stricker, LL.M. Jan Philipp Otter Raik Uhlmann Gisela Kramer Annabelle Kliesing Stanislav Huley Dr. Richard Weller Cedric Rohm Jens Niebuhr Marcus Gloger Steven Pattheeuws Joost Eyck Dr. Germar Schröder #semiconductor #microelectronics #magdeburg #eca #europe #germany
Halbleiter: Intel wendet sich ab – das sind die Folgen
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Infineon Technologies The trend in the chip industry is moving away from conventional silicon chips towards compound semiconductors based on silicon carbide (#SiC) or gallium nitride (#GaN). According to Infineon's CEO Jochen Hanebeck, the new generations of power semiconductors based on innovative technology such as silicon carbide are essential for decarbonization and climate protection. The financial figures about Infineon: Market value: EUR 38,367 € P/E (Price to Earings): 15.66 dividend: 1.11% ________ Mit zunehmenden Leistungsanforderungen geht der Trend in der Chipbranche weg von klassischen #Siliziumchips hin zu Verbindungshalbleitern auf Basis von #Siliziumcarbid (SiC) oder #Galliumnitrid (GaN). „Neue Generationen von Leistungshalbleitern, die auf einer innovativen Technologie wie Siliziumkarbid basieren, sind für die #Dekarbonisierung und den #Klimaschutz unerlässlich“, sagt Vorstand Jochen Hanebeck. DER AKTIONÄR hält ebenfalls an seiner grundlegend positiven Einschätzung zu Infineon fest. Mit einer Belebung der Nachfrage und dem wieder anziehenden Umsatzwachstum sollte bei dem Chipkonzern ab dem kommenden Fiskaljahr 2024/25 eine erste Verbesserung der Rentabilität zu erkennen sein. Weitere Abwärtsrisiken dürften durch die niedrigen Bewertungsmultiplikatoren begrenzt sein. Mit einem 25er-KUV von 2,3 und einem KGV von 13 ist die Aktie vergleichsweise günstig bewertet. Anleger mit Weitblick können daher auf dem aktuellen Niveau wieder einen ersten Fuß in die Tür stellen und die Position gestaffelt ausbauen.
Infineon: Licht am Ende des Tunnels
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The chip industry in Europe is facing a mixed outlook with significant investments balanced against some setbacks. Notably, the delay of Intel's planned "megafab" in Magdeburg, Germany, has sparked debate among local and federal governments, as the project was a cornerstone of Germany's ambitious chip industry agenda. Government subsidies play a crucial role, with Germany planning to support Intel's project with 10 billion euros. However, Intel's financial challenges have led to postponements not only in Magdeburg but also in their projects in Poland and Italy. Meanwhile, other major players continue to advance their European investments: *TSMC, alongside Bosch, Infineon, and NXP, is building a new plant in Dresden with a significant government subsidy. *Infineon is expanding its Dresden operations with a historic five-billion-euro investment. *Wolfspeed is developing a power semiconductor facility in Saarland, albeit with potential delays. *Bosch is enhancing its chip production in Dresden and Reutlingen. *STMicro is investing in new factories in France and Sicily with substantial state support. In contrast, Intel is pushing forward aggressively in the US, with plans to invest up to 92 billion euros in Ohio and Arizona, supported by 18 billion euros in government aid. What are your thoughts on these developments and the strategic positioning of the chip industry in Europe versus the US? Share your insights and comments below!
Hier investiert die Chipindustrie in Europa
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🔍 News Update: AMS OSRAM expands chip production in Austria with EU support ams OSRAM is set to expand its #chip production in #Austria with the support of #EU #funding. This move underscores the company's commitment to strengthening its #semiconductor capabilities and meeting the growing demand for advanced chip #technology. This substantial #investment comes as a strategic response after apple pulled out of the Micro-LED-Deal. The #EUChipsAct could substantially help OSRAM with the 200 million Dollars funding. The EU's support for ams OSRAM's expansion aligns with broader efforts to boost Europe's #semiconductor industry and reduce its reliance on imports. This initiative underscores the determination to maintain technological sovereignty and secure a strategic position in the global #semiconductor market. The collaboration between AMS OSRAM and the #EU reflects a shared vision for fostering innovation, driving economic growth, and ensuring Europe's future in semiconductor technology. As the demand for advanced chips continues to surge, partnerships like these are crucial for advancing Europe's technological prowess and to not fall behind in the digital age. #semiconductorindustry #semiconductors #semiconductormanufacturing #technology #hightech #TechNews #factoryplanning #Apple #amsOsram #EUChipsAct Drees & Sommer CRC HI-TEC ENGINEERING UNIT4 GmbH & Co. KG Industry Consulting Strobl
Chip-Produktion: AMS-Osram baut Chip-Produktion in Österreich mit EU-Hilfe aus
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Next generation of semiconductors: China announces breakthrough in silicon photonics October 12, 2024 Chinese researchers report success with new production method. The technology could circumvent US sanctions. China is making progress in creating an independent chip industry. As the SCMP reports, the state-funded JFS laboratory in Wuhan announced a breakthrough in the development of silicon photonics technology last week. The technology could mark an important milestone on the way to removing existing technical hurdles to developing its own semiconductor designs despite US sanctions. Possible breakthrough towards own chip industry The JFS research facility is part of a national research center for photonics. It has now apparently succeeded in operating a laser light source on a silicon chip - for the first time in China. Silicon photonics uses optical instead of electrical signals for data transmission and could overcome the limitations of current technology, where the transmission of electrical signals between chips reaches its physical limits. The JFS laboratory, which has a budget of 8.2 billion yuan (around 1.1 billion euros), is one of China's key institutions for achieving technological breakthroughs in this field. Silicon photonics may offer a greater opportunity for China, as US export controls on advanced semiconductor technologies have hindered the development of traditional semiconductors. Silicon photonics chips can be made with “relatively mature raw materials and equipment” and do not require the state-of-the-art euv lithography equipment needed for electrical chips. EUV machines are seen as the Achilles heel of the Chinese semiconductor industry, as domestic companies struggle to mass-produce such equipment. The Netherlands-based company ASML, which has a virtual monopoly on Euv machines, has been banned from exporting this type of equipment to China since 2019. Future technology in the starting blocks Around the world, the major players in the semiconductor industry are devoting resources to the development of silicon photonics, which is seen as the key to better chips for data processing, graphics and artificial intelligence (AI). Companies such as Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), Nvidia and Intel as well as Huawei from China are working on this technology. Silicon photonics could become a new arena of technological competition between the US and China, according to a January report by the US think tank Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). With this progress, China is taking an important step in a strategically important area and could strengthen its position in the global technology race. The development is being closely followed by experts and industry observers worldwide.
Nächste Halbleitergeneration: China meldet Durchbruch in der Silizium-Photonik
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To stand a chance at competing globally, we need the power of all European chipmakers. Nexperia is the last manufacturer remaining in Europe to manufacture and invest in mature semiconductors needed in every electronic design. I recently had the pleasure to join my colleague and COO Achim Kempe for a discussion with Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung covering how our chips power virtually every electronic design in the world, our Dutch roots and 100-year history in Hamburg. We’re a strong European asset, expanding and driving innovation. We're investing in silicon carbide (SiC) and gallium nitride (GaN) development, a technology crucial for a greener future. We need a more pragmatic approach. Nexperia will contribute to ensure Europe remains competitive in the global chip race. Read the full article (in German) - #SiC #GaN #Sustainabletech
Nexperia-Chef: „In Hamburg fertigen wir fast 10 Prozent aller Chips weltweit“
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💾 👩💻 Microelectronics as a key pillar of digitalization and a particularly critical segment for Europe's sovereignty and competitiveness. Read all about the establishment of the pilot line “Advanced Packaging and Heterogeneous Integration for Electronic Components and Systems” (APECS Pilot Line) within the framework of the EU Chips Act in this post by our President Holger Hanselka. FMD - Forschungsfabrik Mikroelektronik Deutschland 👇
Die #Mikroelektronik ist eine tragende Säule der Digitalisierung und ein besonders kritisches Segment für die Souveränität und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit Europas. Mit dem nun beginnenden Aufbau der Pilotlinie »Advanced Packaging and Heterogeneous Integration for Electronic Components and Systems« (APECS Pilot Line) im Rahmen des #EUChipsAct erreichen wir einen wichtigen Meilenstein. Die Pilotlinie zielt darauf ab, Innovationen in der Chiplet-Technologie skalierbar in Industrieprozesse zu transferieren und die Forschungs- und Fertigungskapazitäten für Halbleiter in Europa auszubauen. Implementiert wird das wichtige Vorhaben mit einer Gesamtfinanzierung von 730 Millionen Euro über 4,5 Jahre von der FMD - Forschungsfabrik Mikroelektronik Deutschland, die Fraunhofer bereits 2017 als nationale Plattform der Mikroelektronikforschung ins Leben rief und die sich damit zu einem europäischen Leuchtturm weiterentwickelt. In enger Zusammenarbeit mit europäischen Partnern bieten Fraunhofer- und Leibniz-Institute damit Industrieunternehmen, KMU und Start-ups mit der APECS-Pilotlinie künftig einfachen Zugang zu Spitzentechnologien und schaffen stabile Wertschöpfungsketten. Möglich wird dies dank der erheblichen Förderung durch das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung und vieler Bundesländer sowie der Kofinanzierung durch Chips Joint Undertaking und weitere europäische Länder sowie mit Unterstützung des Fraunhofer-Senats. Durch diese gebündelte Expertise kann in Deutschland ein Innovationsmotor der Mikroelektronik entstehen, der den Technologietransfer beschleunigt, Europas technologische Resilienz und die globale Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der Halbleiterindustrie stärkt. Zur Presseinformation: Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft Hildegard Müller
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Competition between chip giants - The technology battle TSMC vs. Intel vs. Samsung The global demand for semiconductors is expected to grow to USD 624 billion, a + 16.8 % growth versus 2023. Growth of 15.5 % is also forecasted for 2025 to 721 billion $, driven in particular by the AI and automotive segments. In the 4th quarter of 2023 global market leader TSMC produced 67% of its chips in the 3nm, 5nm and 7nm structure, while semiconductors with 3 nm nodes already accounted for 15% of sales. The main growth segments at TSMC in Q4 2023: smartphones + 27 % (QoQ) - High Performance Computer with +17% - Automotive segment with +13%. By 2030 TSMC and Intel want to produce structures up to 1nm. This will involve one billion transistors. in one package using several 3D stacked chiplets. The so-called 'rat race' is underway, a merciless competition between the chip giants, since Intel lost the technological lead to TSMC several years ago. It is exacerbated by the smouldering Taiwan conflict, because TSMC has had its most technologically advanced fabs in Taiwan. The economic war for global economic leadership between the USA and China got a boost by the Ukraine war and the new Middle East conflict The race for the chip industry as a substantial technology of the future plays a an essential role. The desire for security of supply chain and protection of the technology, particularly in the defense sector, has led to a three-digit billion-dollar wave of investment in new semiconductor production plants in the USA, Europe and Japan. #semicondictor #TSMC #Intel #AI #chiplets #PLUS The full column was published in PLUS Magazine February 2024
Kolumne: Auf den Punkt gebracht – Wettbewerb der Chipgiganten – Der Technologiekampf TSMC vs. Intel vs. Samsung
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🗞 "[...] a chip manufacturer that is currently on everyone's lips is #Nvidia. Are you actually benefiting from this?" 👉 Go behind the scenes with Infineon Technologies' CMO, Andreas Urschitz, as he shares his strategy for making the complex world of #semiconductors accessible to everyone. From simplifying the brand message to becoming the world champion in energy saving chips for #AI datacenters—check out this HORIZONT interview and get insights on how Infineon is driving #decarbonization🌿 and #digitalization📲.
Interview mit CMO Andreas Urschitz: Wie Infineon seine Marke auf grün dreht - HORIZONT
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In the fascinating world of electronics and manufacturing, the question "Has there ever been a semiconductor shortage?" takes centre stage at the Evertiq Expo in Gothenburg. Edited by Christian Schewe, this insightful article highlights market analyst Dieter Weiss's intriguing analysis. Weiss, from in4ma, draws a provocative parallel between semiconductors and toilet paper, shedding light on the nuances of supply and demand dynamics. His exploration extends to the impact of artificial demand pressures on the European EMS industry, revealing critical insights into how inventory management has shaped the resilience or fragility of the supply chain. For professionals navigating the ever-evolving landscape of electronics and manufacturing, these insights are not just relevant; they are essential for understanding the complexities of today's market challenges. Share your thoughts below... 👉
Hat es überhaupt jemals einen Halbleiter-Engpass gegeben?
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