We are very pleased with our cooperation with DTU - Technical University of Denmark - one of the absolute world leading universities within wind energy. Last week, we hosted a joint conference about "The future of rooftop wind energy". Apart from presentations of the Aeromine technology and our joined project with DTU, the participants could also see the first Aeromine unit in operation on Danish soil.
Hi Aeromine Technologies, Inc. i am Shubham Kandloor from Specialist Services, UAE. We are interested in adapting the renewable energy solutions provided by Aeromine Technologies, Inc. and we have sent an official email. Looking forward for the response and developing the business.
Hey there Aeromine Technologies, Inc. I am anxious to speak to you about applications of your technology in Canada and into the energy mix requirements of the Canadian mining industry .. who is the best person to speak to? Congrats on the awesome tech ..
Brilliant! Ah, that picture gives it some perspective, larger than I'd thought from your videos, etc. And so close to the ground, so presumably not needing the same "clean air" that modern wind turbines require?
Whenever planning to launch in india do tell us. Waiting for your tech introduce in india
Trying to contact to the company but i have no answer. Aeromine Technologies, Inc.
We are interesting to test in Poland and cooperation
I would be interested to see it in action. Are there updated videos? YouTube?
Ingeniero Industrial
2moHi, I am interested in bringing this product to Mexico. Please contact me to work a partnertship out Aeromine Technologies, Inc.