Aerodome reposted this
Today, we take a huge step forward in the world of DFR. Elk Grove PD just became the first of many Flock agencies to receive an FAA waiver to fly their entire jurisdiction BVLOS, without a VO, at 400 feet. Now, with Flock Aerodome; agencies don’t have to settle for 200 feet. Our VP of Aviation, Rahul Sidhu, wrote this article (with visual examples) to show just how much more effective flying at 400 feet is versus 200 feet. TLDR; 1. You can see four times as much, and are much more likely to find what you’re looking for. 2. The sound from the drone is 75% less intense at 400 feet, making it far less likely to get community complaints. 3. You have the tactical advantage of staying hidden when you want it. Companies that try to convince you to fly low are only doing it because their systems can’t fly high.
This is the Holy Grail of DFR.
While so many individuals deserve recognition, ultimately this success reflects a powerful team effort. It will empower our customers to create safer communities and effectively address crime.
No more settling for less!
Big news!
Why wouldn’t you want to fly faster and higher with Flock Safety’s Aerodome?
This is huge!
This is truly amazing! Complete game for those organizations wanting to create or upgrade their Drone as a First Responder program.
Helping law enforcement agencies eliminate crime in Arizona.
1mo400 ft is a game changer!