💸Major innovations need big investment, but the payoffs for society and early movers can be massive. That's what we're betting on.
Like the industrial and digital revolutions, the upgrade from a fossil fuel economy to one driven by infinite sources of clean energy—the climate revolution—is happening.
We make the case for investing in climate tech in an upcoming episode of Viewpoint Project with Dennis Quaid on public TV.
Investing is actually very pivotal to climate technology specifically because there's just so much change that needs to happen across all aspects of our personal lives, but also across all sectors of the economy. And that starts with very obvious things that need to change, like our reliance on fossil fuels, both in the energy side as well as the transportation side. But it touches even smaller things like we have to think about how we spend our money or how we vote and how we live our daily lives as well. So this just the scale of change that needs to happen, it's much bigger and than in other industries. Generations actors and capital plays a really key role in that because a lot of the early stage innovations that are coming out of labs at universities or other innovations, actors today just don't have the same funding and the same resources to get to scale. And at the moment are often kind of at the early stages that they don't even have customers, they have no revenues. Maybe it's a team of two scientists working on these innovations. So capital is really a key component to helping our commercialize these innovations and get them to where we need them to be for us to actually transition to a sustainable future.
CEO at Climative
1dGreat Interview Sophie Seston!