At the 4ID MDO Symposium, the message was clear: mastering the art of invisibility – signature management – is no longer a niche skill, but a fundamental requirement for survival and success. It's a game of shadows, where every service member plays a role. A careless radio transmission, an unencrypted email, even the heat signature from a vehicle can betray your position and intentions. Rear Adm. Brian H. Bennett, deputy director for special operations within the Joint Staff for the DoD, offered valuable lessons. He knows that operating undetected in the vast ocean demands a culture of discretion, where every service member understands the importance of minimizing their footprint. In this new era of interconnected battle spaces, the ability to vanish, to operate without leaving a trace, is paramount. The 4ID MDO Symposium reminded us that the art of invisibility is no longer a luxury, but a necessity. #MDOSymposium2025 #MultiDomainOperations #SteadfastAndLoyal Tune in Live Now at
Adm Bennett talks, I listen. And try to discreetly record so I can go back and listen again and again. Regret not listening to him more closely when getting beat up by him in wrestling ring (basically a circle drawn in the sand) back in the early days. In my defense ... I was just trying to not lose consciousness.
It’s incredibly encouraging to see an Army Division thinking through how they integrate operations from the seabed to space.
Admiral Brian Bennett exemplifies outstanding leadership as I saw firsthand working for him in Afghanistan. Our nation is truly fortunate to have such dedicated individuals serving our country at the tip of our battle spear. As we navigate some of the most significant challenges our military has ever faced, it is the commitment and bravery of men and women, like Brian, in service that will lead us to solutions.
Agree with Mathew Lehnig. I worked directly for Brian Bennett and think very highly of him as a leader and a man of principle. Worth nothing, in our recent season of suffering, he checked in on me from time to time and was one of only three Admirals who volunteered to write letters on my behalf.
Adm Bennett is a seasoned leader and mentor; I had the privilege of leading the Training Detachment under his command as Commodore. The lessons learned were invaluable, as was his leadership and mentorship!
Tests have shown our G1 Liners constantly reduced IR and Thermal signatures though out the spectrum of wavelengths… They are currently in service with end users within the 4thID and other entities across our forces.
Rear Adm. Bennett is a natural leader and true warrior. I’ve had the pleasure of knowing him for over 30 years, and from day one he’s been preparing to serve our country at this level.
This looks like a “fun” event! MDO has been a critical aspect of war and key planning skill at all levels throughout history. Imagination and experience are limiting factors that a conference like this will overcome. Our adversaries are already well-versed in the art! Great to see this event!
Public Co and Non Profit Board Member, Advisor, Venture Capital, Portfolio Manager, Equity Capital Markets, Aerospace and Defense
4wAdm Bennett is an incredible leader. Our nation is fortunate to have leaders like him in service to our country. We are in the midst of some of the most significant challenges our military has ever encountered. It will be the men and women in service to our country who solve them.