From the course: Visio 2021 Essential Training (Office 2021/LTSC)

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Insert a callout

Insert a callout

- There may be times when you need to add additional information or maybe instructions along with an object that appears in your diagram here in Visio 2021. For example, you may have a shape that needs additional information and you can use something called a callout to do that. That's what we're going to explore with our R30 onboarding diagram 0304 if you're catching up. We'll begin by zooming in with the zoom slider to the 100% mark here. And scroll up so we can see the top portion of our diagram, which includes this online form submitted shape. Maybe we need to add some information that people will go to the company website to access that online form. So there's a couple of different ways to add callouts. Select the shape first, that way any callouts we add from the ribbon, by going to the Insert tab in the diagram parts area, you'll see Callout. Click the dropdown and here you'll find a handful of options. As you…
