From the course: Using AI as Your SEO Assistant
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Using AI to optimize content for SEO
From the course: Using AI as Your SEO Assistant
Using AI to optimize content for SEO
- As a writer, I completely understand the struggle of staring at a blank page. That's why I've got a treat for you, a prompt that provides a first draft of your content to work with. Now, before we proceed, let me make it very clear. I don't recommend using the copy generated without checking it and editing it, it's always important to review and refine the content to ensure that it meets your standards. The human layer on top is the bit that makes it special. Here's how the prompt works. You're going to start with a keyword, and then you'll write a series of bullet points, outlining the content that you want to cover. Once you're ready, sit back, relax, and let ChatGPT do its magic. Watch as it generates the first draft copy complete with all the HTML tags that you need. Right, let's give it a whirl. So let's paste this prompt in, give it a go. "You are an expert SEO content writer, highly experienced in writing…
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Using AI to generate keywords for SEO6m 52s
Using AI to generate search intent keywords5m 41s
Using AI to create a content plan5m 7s
Using AI to analyze sites that rank highly for keywords3m 45s
Using AI to improve your target keywords3m 13s
Using AI to optimize content for SEO3m 57s
Using AI to write an outreach email for link building5m 32s
Using AI to help optimize social media profiles3m 9s
Using AI to generate schema markup3m 19s
Using AI to analyze website data6m 5s
Using plugins with ChatGPT6m 27s