From the course: Unity: Building VR User Interfaces
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Laying out the dialog - Unity Tutorial
From the course: Unity: Building VR User Interfaces
Laying out the dialog
- [Instructor] Alright, here we are back in unity and we are about to make our first dialog object. We already have some good layouts done and we are going to use the layout that we created for our palette UI. Now, before I duplicate that palette UI I'm going to make a structure for this new UI to sit underneath. In the hierarchy and an open space here, right click and click create empty. Call this DialogManager. And let's zero out of these transforms. Fantastic. And now, underneath DialogManager, I'm going to create the root for the actual dialog that we're going to create. Which is going to be a standard alert dialogue. Let's right click on DialogManager. Click create empty, and let's call it alert. I'm going to go and set its height to about two. And you can see here on my scene view it's sitting exactly where the camera's going to sit and that's exactly where we want the root of IDialog to be. Perfect. Now…
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Why worry about dialogs?2m 20s
Laying out the dialog5m 25s
Simple head tracking dialog setup3m 40s
Input masking5m 4s
Using an overlay to get attention4m 53s
Animating the overlay5m 48s
Adding animation to the dialog5m 32s
Reworking the dialog to fade in3m 44s