From the course: Tips for Better Business Writing
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Choose the right words
From the course: Tips for Better Business Writing
Choose the right words
- Do you ever have to read something very slowly because the writer used unnecessarily formal language or uncommon words when everyday language would've gotten the point across more clearly? Here's an example. Per your request, enclosed herewith are documents concerning the above-mentioned project. Please review said documents and return them to this office. We will then initiate the process of implementing the requested system modifications. Hmm. Here's a revision using plain English. I'm sending a description of the Acme project. As soon as we have your comments, we will start the system changes. Formal language, old-fashioned, or pompous language, and legalese all get in the way of your message. Ordinary words communicate your message simply and directly. Use specific language if you want to communicate clearly and precisely. Here are two examples. You could say, some time ago, the building was destroyed in a disaster, but it's much more specific to say, in…
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