From the course: The Secret to Better Decisions: Stop Hoarding Chips
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Stop hoarding the chips
From the course: The Secret to Better Decisions: Stop Hoarding Chips
Stop hoarding the chips
- Is it working for you? Are the decisions that you are making helping you get to where you want to go? If you and your team could make better decisions, would it be worth it? And so the purpose of this short course is to help identify the single thing that gets in the way of passionate, connected, educated, smart people making better decisions. So to break it down into three pieces. Number one, are you making the change you seek to make? Are you getting the results that matter to you? Number two, are your decisions holding you back? Are there places you would like to go or you're not getting because of the decisions that you've been making? And number three, is your attachment to the chips holding you back being used against you? So in this course, I want to talk about the chips. The chips, these things that are so easy to count, to hold onto, to treasure, to realize that we spent a long time getting. I want to argue…
What do you make?31s
Bad decisions and mountain climbing2m 1s
Stop hoarding the chips1m 48s
The line at the store1m 20s
The kayaks covered with dust4m 23s
The green iguana3m 2s
The unhappy dentist1m 11s
Western Union and Random House1m 53s
And now you see the mythical monkey trap1m 31s
The Quentin Tarantino story1m 52s
Assets are a gift from your former self2m 7s
The costs of hoarding your chips4m 3s