From the course: The Art of Video Interviews

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Researching the location

Researching the location

Male 1: I like to do research before I arrive at a location. I find it very useful to get familiar with where the interview is going to occur. This will help me design some of my shots because often it's up to me if I'm directing or shooting the interview. And it really helps pull things together. Now, if you're doing an audio only interview the researching location is not as critical but it is still important to locate a good sounding location to shoot in. So, what are some of the places you can go for information? First up of course, is the actual website for the location or the venue that you're going to be shooting at. Some places will have floor plans or detailed overviews of what the location looks like. This is particularly true if you're going to be shooting at a hotel or convention center, or maybe a large organizations' home office. Another really simple one is to turn to a website like Flickr. These days, so many photos are geotagged, and you could search by geographic…
