From the course: The Art of Video Interviews

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Recording impromptu interviews

Recording impromptu interviews

Male 1: Often times I've got all the equipment I need with me for audio interviews. And this works out well because it's a production, and we've done all the normal things we do with pre-production. Of course there's plenty of great times that opportunity arises, and you're going to have very little. So I just want to share with you a couple of things that I always keep with me, when I know that there's the potential opportunity to get some great interviews. I'll typically carry around a Zoom H4n or a device like this in my bag when I'm at a trade show or an industry event. If I know that I'm going to be coming in close counters with some great people who have things to share. I'll have this with me. Or perhaps you just know you're going to a cultural event or a museum. Anytime you're going to be surrounded by potential subjects, this an opportunity to get some great interviews in the can. While the Zoom H4N does have dedicated mic ports that make it really easy to plug in pro mics…
