From the course: The Art of Video Interviews
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Optimal interview scheduling: Duration and time of day
From the course: The Art of Video Interviews
Optimal interview scheduling: Duration and time of day
Rich: Amy, I know that you like to keep a tight schedule and you want to know that schedule before you get on location. We've shot several times together. And I think, as creative folks we all share a common weakness which is, we misestimate or underestimate how long things are going to take. And if you're sitting at home saying, I don't do that. How many times have you lied to your significant other, and pretended that you were in the car or already left the office and were on your way home, or you make up some excuse about traffic, or there's all sorts of things? We just do this, and I think it's important to sort of lay some ground rules of basic scheduling, right? Amy: It's true, and I think of the big challenges that I frequently have is not that I don't want to spend the time in the setup, but that the client is pressuring me, and they think that magically. The crew is going to transport or teleport from one location to another. In a very large building, so. One of the things I…
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