From the course: The Art of Video Interviews

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English as a second language

English as a second language

Female 1: One of the most challenging kinds of interviews you can do is with someone who does not speak English as their first language. With an English as a second language speaker, you're going to definitely want to have a seated interview. You're also going to maybe have some trouble with the typical Q&A type of format, because they're probably translating your question in their head. So you also might want to wait a little longer after you ask a question before you jump in with the typical followup. They may still have a few things left to say but they're still processing. One of the things you need to do is cue to them that you're going to ask for a story. It's going to help you get a better example. So even before you ask a question, you should tell them I'm really going to want you to tell that great story about your grandparents so when I ask this question if you can think about that story it would be great. And, of course, you've done your pre-interview, so you know they have…
