From the course: Supporting Non-Native English Speakers at Work
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Understanding direct and indirect communication
From the course: Supporting Non-Native English Speakers at Work
Understanding direct and indirect communication
- One of the aspects of communication that I hear most about from non-native speakers in US business culture is direct versus indirect communication. Let's look at the differences. With direct communication, verbal language tends to be explicit, even blunt sometimes. Direct communication occurs when a speaker's true intentions are communicated in their verbal message. It expresses their needs and desires explicitly. I want you to do X. When a direct communicator wants or needs something, they'll come right out and say it. In the workplace, value is placed on freedom of expression. The idea of saving face is less important than being straightforward or candid. Communication is efficient, focused on getting things done. People often don't want to hear all the background or all of the context. They might want just the gist of it, the most important things they need to know and get the job done. And in the direct style,…
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Supporting non-native English speakers at work1m 32s
Combining cultural humility with cultural intelligence3m 30s
Myths about accents5m 21s
What is accent bias?3m 42s
Reducing accent bias at work5m
Speaking English inclusively5m 30s
Using phrasal verbs? Cut it out3m 44s
Names and identity4m 9s
Let’s stop asking “Where are you from?”2m 36s
The impact of cultural norms3m 52s
Understanding direct and indirect communication3m 55s
Feedback loops increase understanding2m 59s
Technology that supports communication4m 53s