From the course: Supporting Non-Native English Speakers at Work

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Technology that supports communication

Technology that supports communication

- Being an advocate for inclusive language and culture at work often means asking for resources that will help everyone on the team to be better communicators. Some tech tools provide support to everyone and when introduced well, well, they don't focus on the needs of any specific person. For example, one tool that I found most helpful for culturally diverse teams is It's a speech-to-text platform that can provide in the moment captions while simultaneously taking notes for the entire team. Otter integrates with Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, and Zoom. And the benefits are many. In addition to providing instant subtitling, Otter takes notes of the entire meeting and can display those running notes in a separate doc for everyone to see. It assigns the name of each person to what they said, making it easy to identify speakers. And if Otter doesn't transcribe what you said correctly, you can easily edit it, so…
